
Have you heard about Overtone? I use it to give my hair pink highlights and I love it. It’s not actually dye, but it puts color deposits in your hair every time you condition. My hair is healthier and softer now, and bonus! you can shower in hot water!

I am so not surprised by this. Every Belgian man I have met is sexist trash. A notable example: In 2017 I was in Guatemala on a motorcycle trip with my husband from Seattle to Buenos Aires, and we met a dumb-ass Belgian dude on a Ninja 650 fitted with off-road tires (which is a good way to mess up your back). Despite

Fyi - It’s definitely sarcastic. Just look at anything else Old White Guy has said.

I don’t have time to say this idiot’s name. Donald + Trump = Dump. Much simpler.

Pineda was pretty great in Jurassic World: Fallen World, and honestly I think she’s a perfect choice. Ed is going to be tough, but Netflix discovered Millie Bobby Brown so I have faith they’ll find someone great.

I think you meant Octavia Butler’s Parable of the Sower, Octavia Spencer is an actor.