you missed one
you missed one
Sooo a cartoon allegory for World War II has one of the Axis powers anthropomorphized as the protagonist. And it’s not Japan, which would at least have been relatable for the audience.
I’d settle for a Play of the Game video that just shows a Dev just sitting there and pressing the keys to ban them that they have to watch the moment it kicks them.
He looks like that horrific Mega Man from the NES box art.
They really need a option to change your Username.
I was sitting in front of the “woo lady” at the Bethesda showcase. The group she was with was very passionate about Elder Scrolls, and were coming up with fan theories and wishful thinking for the series, and were really letting the excitement surge through them, throughout the showcase.
A game starring Norman Reedus with his Norman Feetus
I’m sorry but it was shite. All trailers so far have been ‘look how pretty Frostbite 3 is’.
Yeap, this is kind of bullshit...
Solgaleo, a solar deity —> psychic/steel. Weakness: FIRE
Yeah I don’t know why that skin bothers me so much?? HE’S NOT SUPPOSED TO HAVE SKIN OR BE HUMAN
As someone who is interested in No Man’s Sky, not to the degree these nutjobs are, but still interested enough to want to know when i can buy it, Kotaku putting up a small piece about it being pushed back by a few months is actually news I appreciate.
Now THIS I agree with Jason on entirely!