Those pictures are going to make me cry.
Those pictures are going to make me cry.
Because, if he weighs the same as a duck, he’s made out of wood. And that means....he’s a witch.
I agree with you 100%. The paper towel video DISUGUSTED me. It’s horrifying. I legitimately gasped at the way he happily tossed them into the crowd.
I’ve got no shock left for anything Trump says at this point - he was always a dim-witted narcissist and asshole who I now suspect must be suffering from some sort of serious cognitive decline - but....the government refused to lift food stamp restrictions...?
I liked and agree with the points she made but there was no need to shit on Dr. Seuss to refuse the books. As the article states, her excellent points lose their punch because she chose to add that Seuss is a tired cliché. I read somewhere else (Washington Post I guess) that the school district said she doesn’t have…
cocks and rainbows
To be fair, I get where they’re coming from. When my partner and I get married, we’re not going to be doing it for the enormous financial benefits, legal benefits or out of sheer love. We’ve decided we’re going to get married specifically so we can oppress the freedoms of Christian bakers. That’s just how we roll.
We’ve certainly had worse, but really he only looks fantastic next to the mess you’ve got down there. Compared to previous PMs I’d give him a solid B.
What bothers me is her stupid fucking modelesque pose. Bitch, this is not a fashion shoot. That pose was unnecessary.
For those of you too young to recognize the impotent dread you’re feeling: Welcome to Cold War Fear Redux. Yes, you’re going to feel this all the time now. No, there’s no refuge.
Right? His followers are so invested in the macho man figure they think he cuts, but he’s just a sniveling little turd.
I sure hope he speaks English
Sarah H. Sanders has the charm of a Waffle House waitress at 4 AM.
Maaan, after yesterday’s grab-and-grope, with the up-and-down appraisal, and the talking about her body as if she’s not there... I would’ve sent my palace decoy to do the job! Any mission where a woman has to meet & touch Trump deserves fucking hazard pay.
I’m pretty sure Putin already did
Police: “Freeze!”
Putin will bring menstruating women with him into a meeting to scare Trump.
He gives the rest of us fat ass-ed people a bad name.
I, for one, am not the least bit scared of getting rid of an international threat who happens to be our president. I’m not down with the concern-trolling and learned helplessness.