
Could we just get a Monkey Island Movie instead of rebooting this?

Its incoherent. It jumps from native American rights and history matter, even critiquing police handling of missing people cases, to lets cheer the man who said progress is bad and make him governor, the president randomly shoots dogs for shits and giggles, and here’s a hippie girl who feels plunked from a Daily Wire

Fingering the Assholes of Hollywood,  the Rebel Wilson story 

as if the star of Home Alone 2 you voted for doesn’t tell you how to think

i don’t have many celebrity stories, but Rebel Wilson once got a friend of mine fired from a cafe, after baiting them into shit-talking the job - then immediately “hilariously” telling the boss what they said. SBC sucks but, well, i ain’t lining up to read this book 

Singesting that she do something for a scene, then hiring someone else to do it when she declined?

that girl seems to have a lot of butt fingering stories

Maybe because around 5 years ago she admitted forcibly fingering Tom Hardy’s asshole at a director’s suggestion, then admitted capriciously groping Anne Hathaway’s breasts while in character feigning acute blindness? Practically bragging about both assaults? Just guessing.

Hmm. Why does publicly calling out someone famous for staged publicity stunts feel like a staged publicity stunt?

Because she is. Now, of course, it doesn’t therefore follow that Sacha Baron Cohen can’t be an asshole as well, but it does make her “no assholes” policy ring somewhat hollow. 

I never understood the dislike for Hathaway.  Not when history’s greatest monster Anna Kendrick roams free.

I love that so much of media has become a pro wrestling-style exercise of creating a “story” from whole cloth, then hammering in on it until the audience assumes it’s a real thing.

I was unaware this was a thing until I read a piece of Slate that tried to guilt everyone for hating Anne Hathaway. It had something to do with the patriarchy, or something.

The Idea Of You star doesn’t know if Nolan was aware of the hate and consciously “backing” her when he brought her on Interstellar

TIL that people apparently hated Anne Hathaway online.

In the immortal words of Norm MacDonald:

Rebel Wilson *struggling* to stay relevant. 

Why am I hazily remembering Rebel being the asshole, like a year or two ago?...

I don’t remember this at all.