
You’re a grandpa with a young daughter? Gross.

abortion fund organizers are saying they’ve been asked to stop distributing contraceptives at the artist’s show because “children are present at the concerts.” (Which both we, and the organizers themselves, would argue, is kind of the point—sexually active teenagers aren’t going to stop being sexually active

I’m a little bit disappointed by this but I understand that she may be opening herself to all sorts of liability, even criminal, especially in the forsaken wasteland of the neo-Confederacy. Her vocal and financial support will have to suffice.

Demme didn’t intervene on Glaudini’s behalf

and then their counterpoint will be like, fuck you Mona Lisa, eat chili!

It’s just weird how eco-activists hate art all of a sudden.

I mean, I guess it got press coverage and all, but this seems like a terrible fucking call.  So many other options.

Yeah, I feel like it shouldn’t be controversial to say that not all civil disobedience is effective civil disobedience. You don’t get a fucking medal or plaudit for bitching ineffectively, and you aren’t doing anything of particular note other than convincing yourself that you did something that night.

Can these people go protest at like a fucking NASCAR race or Hummer convention or congressional session or something? This is such toothless, cowardly bullshit.

Ah yes New York theater goers - the demographic most likely to not have heard about or be concerned about man made climate change. Of course.

“The oceans are rising and will swallow this entire theater

“We’re not protesting the event itself; we are not protesting theater; we are not protesting the emissions that brought spectators to get here. That’s not the point,”

I see, so she cheated with a married man and implied on a podcast that one of her ex-boyfriends was a closeted gay man, and for that she deserves...[checks cosmic ledger] breast cancer, a double mastectomy, and, potentially, death. Yep, that definitely evens out.

So Sharon Stone writes a tell-all book insulting Baldwin, and he’s the jerk for responding, albeit badly?

Good thing she left Aaron  Rodgers. If he was still with her, he’d have suggested she rub grape jelly and bird boogers on her boobs.

Maybe go touch grass.

What a shit ass thing to say

I know, but come on, it’s Robert Evans. Would Robert Evans screw Robert Evans to improve Robert Evans’ performance? You’re damn right he would, and he’d drain Robert Evans’ sack so dry it’d twist up and blow away like a leaf in fall.

While Evans is the obvious villain of the tale, Baldwin caught a stray in the sense that the story basically labels him as bad at his job, and that has obviously made the less-famous Baldwin brother pretty sensitive.