
They could have mentioned that Cillian Murphy also tried to kill Batman.

There’s also the fact that someone could watch Rebel Moon twice

Are you unfamiliar with the concept of averages?  

I have both children and nieces and nephews. Zero of them have eaten their own poop, if you know children who are, I would suggest getting CPS involved.

Furthermore, the difference is that children grow out of being dumb idiots, while dogs just stay dumb idiots and then die. 

With a Rebel Moon, he cried more, more more.

That’s nice, but yes, human children are far more important than your stupid dumb dog that probably eats its own poop.

I don’t know what “get away with” means in this context.  The fact that John Mulaney may have cheated on his wife does not make him any less funny, and funny’s what I’m watching his shows to see.  He’s not a friend of mine.

Yeah I mean for all we know she might be like “my ex-husband was actually mostly the exception to all this!” Who knows?

Y’all, you don’t even know if she’s going to talk a bunch about Mulaney in the book! From the blurb, its partly about her psychiatric care, and when it talks about the men her life, references: “unrequited love in high school; the twenty-eight-year-old she lost her virginity to when she was sixteen; the frustrations

At least he didn’t set himself on fire with his drugs, or use them to rape admirers.

The only thing I want to comment on is that I always found it funny that Mulaney and Anna were the most stereotypical annoying late 20's/early 30's dog owning couple on the planet. Definitely said their dog was just as important as human children on multiple occasions. Probably walked it around Central Park in a

The book’s title is interesting as it implies that it’s men calling her “crazy” (which does happen with many women) but Tendler herself has admitted struggles with mental illness and a period in a psych facility. I guess once the book comes out, it’ll be evident where she’s coming from specifically.

Wow, Henley continues to be a gigantic sleazeball. Shocking, just shocking. This case should never have been brought as a criminal prosecution in the first place, but the prosecutors apparently succumbed to pressure by Henley and his lawyers. Glad they immediately ditched it when they found out they were snookered.

Mulaney may be an asshole, but he hasn’t raped numerous women over decades. There is no comparison.

Tendler has always seemed lovely and I feel bad for how her marriage ended but I can’t imagine a book I’m less interested in. 

I agree with you, it sounds like they’re two broken people who were in a marriage that didn’t work.

maybe we should wait to read the fucking book to find out whether what she’s doing is “respectable” (according to you) or not

Yeah, I think the situation is probably much more complicated than the discourse around it would imply. It’s either that he was an awful cheater or she was a crazy wife, but those are probably both bad takes.

I’ve noticed there’s this tenor to a lot of coverage where Tendler gets to slot into the aggrieved long-suffering spouse role and praised for a tell-all book, while Mulaney is disparaged for not talking publicly about it. And I feel like people are mistaking disclosure for truth, and intimating that we’re owed any

It’s fine, you’re not dating him.