
It’s done! It isn’t done!

I’m just excited that this is a thing that is actually happening and that Glover is returning for it.

I was just talking about Tenet the other night. Nolan at his worst. Uninspired story, flat characters, and a puzzle box gimmick that gets tiresome by the third act. And I liked Inception!

This is... certainly a take.

Like what if Spider-Man didn’t take “great responsibility” and was a selfish asshole?

What am I not getting because I’m old 

The fact that Cara Delevingne is considered an astonishingly beautiful woman makes me think the world is playing a practical joke on me.

Let’s see...Streep, Williams, Dominguez, which one looked completely out of place and ground the show to a halt every time he or she turned up...

To be fair while Cleese is a pompous arse, I do tend to eye roll whenever I hear Eric Idle plead poverty.

I do not agree with the political views Cleese has expressed with regard to “cancel culture” or anything else at all, but let’s put the brakes on before we start making Idle out to be some sort of hero here. This whole thing started because he is complaining about not having enough money, including a house he sold for

As someone pointed out a few days ago, this stuff has a limited shelf life. How many more times can you repurpose 40-50 year old material? MST3K is putting out new material, and even they couldn’t get enough money on their most recent kickstarter to fund a new season. Kids in the Hall aren’t getting a second season on

Neil Innes wrote all the music for the Rutles and wound up having to sue Idle to get any SPAMALOT money after Idle used his music there, too, so I don’t imagine the Neil Innes estate will be too keen to let Eric go out and perform his stuff.

So in this one, specific instance John Cleese isn’t the asshole and Eric Idle is?

Yeah. Don’t get me wrong, I am dismayed by Cleese (a very funny man who I loved when I was young) turning into one of these d-bags who always goes on and on about cancel culture. But this place has gotten really dumb about this stuff. Rest assured any article they run where Cleese is named will immediately turn into a

The I’ve turned into a grumpy old Bollocks category:

You know, when you’re chewing on life’s gristle, don’t grumble, give a whistle, and this’ll help things turn out for the best.

Terry Gilliam is also in agreement with this.”

“I’ve never seen Hollywood this scared and clueless, and at the mercy of Wall Street,” says Issa Rae.