
It would have been worse if Jim had cheated on Pam with the temp girl from Season 8, which supposedly was the plan until Krasinski refused to do it, for the same reason as Perry. Just completely out of character.

I’m not sure how much people forgave Ross. His character wasn’t that likable - or well liked - by the end.

I almost quit watching The Office when Jim started shitting on Pam.

To be fair Grandpa once tried to kill Bart with a stake “Grandpa, how did you know he was a Vampire..... HE’S A VAMPIRE.... ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!”.

(I remember thinking it was weird that they had Moe and Comic Book Guy find spouses).”

 What’s wrong with a little light strangulation between two consenting cartoon characters?

Actually, I posted this because I thought you would only understand memes.

Well, by this logic, Springsteen and Mellencamp (and all very successful people who identify as liberals) should be Republicans. There’s nothing wrong with critiquing the very real, destructive characteristics of a system that has served you well by pointing out its effects on masses of others. As capitalism is the

This is a constant rag against artists who are political AND popular. And these artists always have to make a choice: do it anarcho and DIY, and play to rooms where you’re preaching to the choir of tens maybe twenties of people; or “sell out” so your art is on the shelves of Best buy and Walmart, but the people who

The problem was not the book. The problem was when he was asked a total softball of a question about the book and accidentally dropped his pants to show his ass to the world.

Brother, how this made it out of the greys is wild

I read this as she didn't even want to be one on one in scenes with him. Needed other actors involved. Hence the inability to get planned shots. 

No, I can’t wipe my ass with The AV Club.

I don’t get it. Nobody is “alone” with their co-star on a movie set. There would be a minimum of what, 20 people around. So what could her refusal to be alone with him possibly mean?

Eckhart seems like a nice guy but I have heard he can be kind of two faced.

This is a weird one. I mean, I am currently giving credence to Breslin due to the general cost of making these kinds of allegations to begin with, but at the same time I can’t ever recall hearing stuff like this regarding Eckhart. Doesn’t mean it is true, plenty of big names have been revealed to be like this behind

You think The AV Club is a newspaper?

It bears mentioning that it’s hard to believe a young star would make “imaginary allegations” when being labeled “difficult to work with” is such a huge risk for women in Hollywood, and further, calling a woman “hysterical” is a deeply loaded term.