
I enjoy this show and FFS it’s not the place to be talking about school shootings. Yes, the show has a good amount of social commentary, but that particular topic in *this* show could not work. There is absolutely no humour to be had and this is, first-and-foremost, a comedy series. 

I can’t imagine why she wouldn’t want an episode of her situation comedy to be about children being murdered.

I’m about a third the way through season 2 on Hulu and I’m excited to see where the charter  schools plot goes. Good for them for helping to educate people on how charter schools fuck over normal schools. 

I’m amused you guys say My Father The Hero is “ pretty unsettling and pervy” for its plot sexualizing a 14 year old girl--right before saying she’s “gorgeous”, a completely unnecessary adjective among more pertinent character traits.

If Godzilla (1998) had unconvincing VFX, then everything before it was garbage.

Oldboy doesn’t suffer from misleading descriptions though, if anything it’s better when you too have the wrong idea about the events of the film

The 1988 French-Dutch thriller The Vanishing, directed by George Sluizer, is one of the most harrowing movies I’ve ever seen, with an ending that chilled me to my very marrow. The 1993 remake, also directed by George Sluizer, is a pile of lukewarm garbage.

Oh my gosh, how could you leave out “The Vanishing,” which had the original director but completely ruined the ending and therefore the film. Read this slideshow just to see it mentioned, but no joy.

Vanilla Sky just never feels quite right.  It’s not terrible but at the end, my reaction was just kind of “huh. okay.”

I recall Vanilla Sky being a divisive film, but I don’t get it being one of the “worst” American remakes of a foreign film. The original Open Your Eyes was definitely better but I always liked its more flawed remake as well.

The “Forget Me Now” episode is one of the funniest episodes of anything of all time but pretty inappropriate for 2023 of course. Bob Loblaw slamming the books in the ad read; “You, sir, are a mouthful;” The Surrogate; Tobias’s business cards; the roofies; Maeby: “I’m gonna go get sexy”; Buster accidentally

Has anyone on this website ever even seen a chicken?

“Who would have guessed you could miss a hand so much?” while staring at the hand chair a solid two episodes before the loose seal incident blew  my mind on rewatch.  It’s a show that’s somehow as funny on a rewatch just catching all the things you missed the first time through.

So early in season one is a memory hole on my part but it is there and ramps up in season two: 

Yeah, that was surprising to me too. Good Grief isn’t just my favorite AD episode it’s like one of my favorite television episodes ever, full stop. Just relentless, wall to wall jokes.

Using this occasion to mention Hurwitz’s work on Maria Bamford’s Lady Dynamite on Netflix is the closest thing to capturing the AD energy of the early 2000s. It’s breakneck-paced, really weird and very specific in its humor. Everything (I think) AD fans love.   

Both 30 Rock and Community were excellent right out the gate, but both of them grew into even better shows over the course of their first season. AD was at full steam on episode 1 somehow, and those boys knew how to shovel coal.

Look at the setup work they did for Annyong, holy crap.

No mention of Good Grief? How dare you!

Jeez, really? I had no idea. Well, that’s as good an excuse an any to rewatch it now.

The Captain and Tenille were a musical act in the ‘70s.  ‘Tenille’ sounds like ‘to kneel’.  ‘The Captain’ used to have Lucielle 2 wear the wig and give him head but she wasn’t allowed to make eye contact.