
It’s frustrating, but when people discuss AI (as in this article) they’re not talking about it in a broad, encompassing sense (including the fact that algorithms and other similar “smart” tech fall under the umbrella) but rather generative AI models such as ChatGPT put to creative pursuits such as art and writing; I

I think that’s a reasonable description of AI as a creative thing AND it’s helping to make advances in medicine and science. Sometimes when you take the vastness of human knowledge and put it in a new order you get something brilliant that no one has thought of before. Sometimes you get gibberish. It’s basically

Yeah there is no question as to Oswald’s guilt, if one has any familiarity with the case. But conspiracy believers don’t have an interest in that. They formed their conclusions first, and have worked their way backwards, taking evidence out of context, or misconstruing it, or falsifying it to support their theory,

Worse, it’s a JFK film being made by not one, but two aging Boomers. I’m waiting for a JFK film or series that finally tears down the hagiography Jackie started, and Boomers have promulgated through several generations, and portrays JFK as he was - a philandering, drugged up child of privilege who made a career off a

Yeah, I was over JFK in the fucking 70s. There’s no fucking mystery there. A Marine with a scoped rife, firing from a supported position, shot a dude in the melon at basically point blank range.

This will get those young people back spending money in the theaters.

The drama has Al Pacino, Shia LaBeouf, Courtney Love, and John Travolta attached

Hell yeah, it was propulsive and understood it had to earn the viewer’s investment. Any original show has to make a case for itself. But shows based on IP you already know can get so lazy...I think a lot of Disney+ series are like this.

Yeah but my god you saw the budgets for a lot of these shows across the various platforms.  I can’t be the only one who looked at those announcements and was completely bewildered about how they’d ever make money.  It seemed like the ultimate “Yes we lose $3 per unit, but make it up on volume!” business plan.  A

It’s a shame - Warwick Davis is a swell actor and from all accounts a swell guy, and Willow was the flick that introduced me to him. It also acclimated me to fantasy at a time when I was mostly a Star Wars kid, thereby doubling my nerd pleasure. Davis’ work, and the character, and the world, deserve to be seen.

But when a single show like Willow costs, what, $100M to make, that $1.2B is going to evaporate fast. 

Aside from my personal belief that the public simply isn’t entitled to privately-produced entertainment just because it exists, and aside from the fact that the unrealistic expectation that everything should always be available in perpetuity is largely driven by streaming services that I believe inherently devalue

It does suck that, if you content is only on streaming, it can be disappeared.  At least in legacy media, there would be a tape or DVD bouncing around.  I have resorted to torrenting when something can no longer be found legally.  

I like it when a series is written to tell its story in a few seasons, like 12 Monkeys, but the first season has to actually be good, not just setup for stuff that looks like it will be good down the road.

Yes, it’s just you.

It should be a law that Tuesday is Ice Cream Day for everyone

But..but they were/are overbuying content and projecting exponential growth in perpetuity.” I work for the Mouse and the amount of money it takes to get even the smallest shit done is insane. And when just one of your series titles is like 200m, and you’ve got 8-10 projects of that size in the pipeline every fiscal

Glad I checked before I posted the same thing.  Woof that was a stinker.  It looked like a second season may have been better, but don’t give me a whole prolog season of boring nonsense and badly lit fights.

it should be a law by itself that if they don’t offer a legal way to watch a movie/tv show/play a game/listen to music with a decent price

Well he might not be afraid of dying, but dang it, losing him would suck!  Can we have nanobots for removing cancer cell-by-cell yet?