
I was sure we’d all get a good laugh when I lit that fire. Alas, as I watched the orphanage go up in flames, I found it hard to do much more than chuckle.

Is this like those “pranks” idiots post on TikTok that are also just assault? “Watch me prank this random guy by kicking him in the back.”

My first show ever I went to was a Fugazi show at Binghamton University (or whatever it’s called now they like to change the name apparently) and Ian stopped the show because someone threw something innocuous on stage which I think was a letter. At least I think that’s what started it but it’s not important. What is

This just demonstrates how little anyone actually knows about film and TV writing.

That was my thought too!

“But there’s always going to be a way to detect that these scripts were written by AI.”

This. I can buy that AI will soon be able to crank out scripts for super formulaic TV (like sitcoms and police procedurals) that are presentable enough. But there’s always going to be a way to detect that these scripts were written by AI.

I’d imagine it’s the high risk of being detected and threat of being fired, shunned by your peers, and blackballed from the industry. It’s kinda like asking “what’s to stop them from just translating and recycling old Latvian TV scripts?” Like, sure, you could do that, and you might even get away with it for a while,

Both of those outcomes lead to writers being replaced by AIs relatively quickly, though. As soon as it gets around that even Writer X thinks the robots can convincingly duplicate their output, they’re getting fired, and shortly after that, so are a bunch of other writers. It’s definitely in the writers’ interest

There’s a reason the death penalty isn’t a deterrent for murder. If it’s a crime of passion, they’re not thinking. And if they’re a sociopath, they’re not exactly doing complicated calculus in their head.

Two counts of assault, one count of harassment, one count of aggravated harassment and one count of attempted assault are HILARIOUS!

I can sympathize, as I once strangled my spouse as a joke. They didn’t laugh though, which just made me so angry. This generation is too sensitive, nobody can take a joke anymore.

Don’t you need your phone? Even if you’re the kind of jerk who thinks wanging someone in the head is funny; is it funny enough to chuck your device so you probably won’t get it back? Did dude bring a spare “throwin’ phone” just in case this particular comedic opportunity presented itself?

Anyone who is okay platforming Joe fucking Rogan has no right to call *anyone* a grifter.

You included a link to fucking Fox News? My cat could Google this shit and find nine better sources.

Its a family that's only special because of bloodlines and who used to be the figurehead of an empire that conquered and enslaved large portions of the world and whom still don't feel like saying sorry about it.  Also most of the members are over 70 and some were over 90.  Its the least shocking thing that they are

The fact that there’s basically no way that Harry and Meghan could possibly produce interesting content means its pretty much entirely Spotify’s fault that they offered that much money to them without hammering out more concrete terms about how much content they would actually be producing. It’s not a surprise to

I can’t wait for the Netflix series five years from now, where Harry will talk gravely about how traumatic it was to hear his wife described as a “grifter,” because it reminded him of the unfair criticism his mother received before she died.

Isn’t “royal” just a fancy type of grifter?