
No bishop with an erection, no sale.

Five 8-episode seasons is 40 episodes, while three 13-episode seasons is 39 episodes. Basically the same (on streaming or premium cable, you can fart around with run times to get those the same length pretty easily). So suppose you’re an executive giving the greenlight to one of these. Do you a) spread the budget out

It’s for budget/quality reasons. They have a certain budget, and they can use that to make 22-25 really cheap episodes, or 8-10 higher quality ones. Lost was a fairly high budget show by the standards of the time, but it also didn’t require a lot in the way of sets, costumes, or special effects (though those did come

When Netflix started it got a lot of flack for its original programming feeling padded and stretched out—think of Daredevil, etc. People were (mostly) complaining about the 13 episode seasons, and I think they got that 13 episode number because when network tv traditionally has half seasons, they were 13 episodes

Many of you are steeped in LOTR lore. I am not. But I it wasn’t until this episode that I realized we could be this close to the action of the One Ring, what with meeting Isildur, etc. (And yes, I’m aware of the name of the show, I just didn’t figure Isildur would be hanging out right there as a young man already.)

I still like the show, and this episode introduced a bunch of very promising things, but I also have my annoyances with it. For this episode it was Galadriel’s bizarre attitude. Why treat everyone in Númenor with abject hostility, when reason and basic courtesy would get so much further? I understand that this

We might still get it in future seasons as Amroth and Thranduil (and maybe Oropher?) are likely to be introduced somewhere down the line. But the audience needs to be introduced to this stuff in bite-sized chunks as not to be overwhelmed.

I feel you, closed-caption writer.

...and Galadriel joins one of the most famous fathers in Middle-earth: Elendil (Lloyd Owen)

Nothing really looks good out of those.....Willow maybe.

I absolutely HATE when I smack head first into my granite fountain. And the other day I chipped my tooth on the solid gold bathroom urinal. Home is a dangerous place. 

Isn’t this the “Jaw gate”?

Jesus.  Well, if he’s still alive and you ever see him again, tell him I hate him.

Other things he unironically said to me:

“Well if we evolved from monkeys, then how come we still got monkeys? Checkmate!” 

Narcissists aren’t capable of grasping other perspectives, they think everyone else thinks like they do.

You lost him at “centralized”. That guy doesn’t read anything more than a paragraph long.

Aww, you were offended by the article and now you’re here to play victim in the comments.

What’s funny is that maybe we all would’ve turned into bitter Republican assholes when we “had more money”... if it weren’t for all those bitter Republican assholes making sure we don’t GET more money.

I hate that old chestnut. When I was in my 20s I had a Rush Limbaugh-listening, Tucker Carlson spouting boss who trotted that out all the time. “When you’re an adult, you’ll get it and you’ll vote Republican,” he would say. And I would remind him that all four of my grandparents—including grandfathers who were a