Mother Siren

I’m not certain we’ll ever see a Beatles or Nirvana-level of success + influence again in any genre, because the internet not millennials killed that as a possibility. It democratized music, services now bundle gigantic collections of modern music for less than $10 a month, and in so doing split peoples’ attention

well cheating has less to do with the other person and lack of respect for that person and more about the person cheating. generally the desire to feel wanted. not defending his behavior, just saying the reasons for it are more nuanced than just “he doesn’t respect his wife”

Taking a break to focus on his own issues and his family is definitely the right thing to do. That said, I hate when people make mistakes and then say “it’s not who I am.” Dude, it may not be who you want to be, but it absolutely is who you are or you wouldn’t have done it. That said, he definitely seems genuinely

unless you’re older than me (i’m 31) it is hard to believe you aren’t understanding anything i wrote.

Wii U has best game of 2017

I am hoping this will be in the Switch version, whenever that is.

People claim crazy shit about McDonalds food, usually that there’s cardboard or sawdust in the fries (because they’re so good / different than other chains’), or the milkshakes (because they’re so thick).


I can only think of one, maybe two parts where the ‘monsters’ even posed a consistent/immediate threat. Those encounters enhanced the experience/deepened the lore for me. How are they going to adapt this safe mode to not include some of the things that contribute to the overall tone of the world/plot? It’s intriguing,

I was enjoying the game and then kept dying to a monster and never really picked it up again. I’ll definitely give it another try once this comes out.

I had to stop myself from laughing out loud in a public place when I read that line. It’s absolute gold.

I should send him a Fruits Basket for his Bizarre Adventure.

True, but it’s too bad that Durden couldn’t defeat the guy in one punch. Man, that would have been a better ending to the story than the guy fleeing the scene.

Am I the only one who read the title and thought the guy used his Naruto headband to deflect/guard the attacks? Like the actual way it has been used in the series? That would have been one hell of a story to tell his kids/grandkids.

Obviously an ANBU agent who mistook him for a missing-nin.

So make the official mascot a Spreadsheet.

Well, you know. Not in THAT way.

Let the Magikarp era begin!

Counterpoint: Don't?