Maybe it’s because I’m Jewish, but the whole premise of gaslighting your children is just freakish to me.
Maybe it’s because I’m Jewish, but the whole premise of gaslighting your children is just freakish to me.
I had a job working for the state government and I was considered Causual/Seasonal. This meant full time hours but not healthcare/401k. Applied to get Medicaid but couldn’t get because they said I made too much. ( I was making shit btw) In that time working there I got sick really bad and had an injury from an…
I applaud this kitchen. If you have dietary restrictions and a place doesn’t normally have an option for those restrictions, don’t expect them to come up with something on the fly. Seems like this was a pretty well received joke!
Saudi women can drive now; pick up a newspaper.
A well behaved, good looking, brilliant, nice guy? I’d take it.
Dude, just spread the fucking love.
I hate people who make faces at the people using their WIC or SNAP cards in the store. What entitles them to judge what poverty should look like? If they had their way, everyone on food stamps would have to smear soot on their faces and walk around in a gunny sack.
I’m surprised no one’s mentioned Redwall yet. After a certain point, I was only reading the books for the written feasts instead of the actual plot.
Lembas from lord of the rings. the ultimate camping food.
The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world that Sweet Potato Casserole needed marshmallows.
If this person doesn’t contact you outside of these parties to hang out, grab coffee, grab lunch, grab a beer, get the kids together for a playdate, etc., etc., etc., then this person IS NOT YOUR FRIEND. You are a customer to them, that is all.
The best excuse is the word no.
This person is not your friend.
Thank you.I wasn’t looking for pats on the back, but to paint a picture that even what I do isn’t a reality for the urban and/or working poor,who simply don’t have the time, live in food deserts, or don’t have the knowledge that I do.
You give up SLEEP, you silly billy!
Similar to Yorkshire Puddings, there are a few things you want to absolutely remember:
The trick for me has been to heat the milk to almost boiling and stick the empty popover tin in the oven while it preheats. Also preheat the oven to about 50 degrees hotter than the recipe calls for, then decrease the temp five-to-ten minutes after putting them in and DO NOT OPEN THE DOOR. The key is to get the the…
Any chance Mar-a-Lago is built on a sinkhole?
From one pasty person to all the other pasties: anytime you are about to say, ”I’m not a racist, but...” just don’t. Close your piehole. I can guarantee *anything* that comes after that ”but” will be racist, and I will not hesitate to call you out for it.