mother pussbucket - YOUR MOTHER

My three year old was studying herself on the potty the other day and had a sudden freak-out when she discovered a HOLE DOWN THERE. Her older sister (5) and I had a fun time explaining that there are actually three holes, but you can really only see one of them. We got to revisit the subject a few times over the next

Okay, the smartphone thing...I’m as guilty as any smartphone-owning parent of checking it while parenting. And sometimes I also read books. Or fold the laundry. Or make dinner/snacks/smoothies. Mostly what my kiddos are objecting to in any of those situations is that I am not 100% focused on them 100% of the time.

This is legit just the preview for RE: Apocalypse.

She sounds enthusiastic!

I’m in for the bookends, but I’m not reading Outlander a third time. Perhaps I’ll finally read the [third? fourth? whichever I’m on] in solidarity.

Please let Drew Magary help.

Right? Unless we can agree that sometimes “D” stands for “Douchebag.”

PLUS I do love it when Kenneth Branagh gets to chew scenery.

Do you have a favorite Marple portrayal? I haven’t seen any of the Julia McKenzie, but I enjoyed both Geraldine McEwan and Joan Hickson. Ms. Hickson’s Marple had a gentle shrewdness that McEwan’s lacked, though Ms. McEwan’s energy and sparkle made up for it.

Ahhh, see, I tried Poirot out when I was eleven or twelve and didn’t pick up on that distinction. I just knew I preferred the Miss Marple “Ah, you see, yes, human nature is what it is no matter where you are. Billy Rample from down the lane kept lavender for years after Charlotte Ellington rejected his advance and

I love that “You appear to have been hacked, good sir!” is the new trend in replying to stupidity.

As a Miss Marple girl myself, I am 100% here for a) a cool new Agatha Christie movie that b) makes Poirot look as ridiculous as I found him to be when I tried to read a Poirot.

This was fifteen years ago. So, no. We are probably not even playing the same game. I hope you continue to have good luck!

At least with Mallory running DP, we’re getting sensible answers for our modern times.

I just...Millihelen closed. The Toast closed. I am adrift.

Look, I would not need R29 if they’d just kept Millihelen going okay?

See, that is why I went to a women’s college. A+ bonding opportunity!

In my experiences as an Only, I had to be fucking amazing at the game, or no dice. There was no room for me to be mediocre or to be learning the basics of something new, because you’re not allowed to be background when you’re the Only Girl. I started to exclude myself from things simply because I didn’t have the

Not to be flip, but I had no idea this was even a thing outside that one joke in Anchorman.

I was a charcoal purist until my husband pointed out that waiting an hour to get the coals juuuuuuuuust so for the two burgers we wanted to throw on there was a waste of time and resources, and now I’m all in on gas.