Yeah, where is THAT makeup line? Featured shades: “First Timers,” “We Have A Really Solid Relationship,” “Emotionally Detached,” and (let’s not forget) “I Swear I Won’t Get Jealous.”
I’m disappointed this wasn’t an in-depth expose like that amazing article about the crazy preschool in CA with the crazy drugged parent trips.
I got an angry post-election haircut on the 9th, and I call it my “I dgaf about ur boner” haircut. So. Solidarity. Half the reason I got out of bed when my alarm went off instead of lazing in snoozeland for twenty minutes was that I was too queasy about the climate change orders to relax. Cheese and fucking rice this…
I wonder a lot while I watch the West Wing if Sam Seaborn wasn’t the Sorkin-insertion character. Good intentions! Smart guy! Women love him so it’s okay when he says gross things to them! Super smart and liberal! Did I mention, good intentions? Whatever, women love him.
We have two cats: tiny mom cat and enormous son cat (he’s almost twice her size, so who even knows how that happened). Tiny mom cat was always super standoffish UNTIL I was pregnant with my youngest and then she wanted to snuggle up to me on the couch every night. Solidarity, I guess?
Or peacefully wave guns and shout peaceful slurs at black children playing in a backyard birthday party.
I’ve been rewatching it and the stuff Sam Seaborn pulls on a regular basis is just...paternalist at best? Gross/misogynist at worst? It’s a great show and I still love it a lot, but the older I get, the more the seams show.
You do you, Mr. Val Kilmer. Live your joy.
When I had my first, the sleep deprivation was a nightmare, but I was DEAD SET that I wasn’t going to smother my baby by co-sleeping and you better believe my husband was waking me up when I dozed off in the armchair during midnight feedings...but I only had one baby, and eventually she started sleeping, and I got…
They...cut...the CRUSTS OFF?? Holy cow, Trail Blazers. Maybe recruit older than preschool, for a change.
Oh, just ask L. Ron.
On a lighter note, what mad genius is in charge of styling these children?
A+ use of gif.
Is “Freedom Hall” an old Wal-Mart building, left empty when they built the Super Wal-Mart across town? Because it looks like an old Wal-Mart building.
Is he...low-key alcoholic, or just...really boring?
Clearly I needed to have inserted more obvious jokes in my joke comment.