mother pussbucket - YOUR MOTHER

This is brilliant commenting. A+

Unpopular opinion: I absolutely hated the Michael Scott character and could not watch Steve Carrell in anything because my distaste ran so deep. I found his departure to be the best thing that ever happened to The Office.

FINE make more room in the world of procedural legal drama for Conviction, which is so uneven, but has way better actors than it deserves. I can’t help it. I just want to watch Hayley Atwell and Eddie Cahill smolder at each other while Merrin Dungey makes faces of skeptic disapproval.

Wait, then WHO IS IT????


If we get Sleepy Hollow/Gilbert Grape Depp, then, cool. If we get Pirates of the Caribbean 2-5/Lone Ranger Depp, then, not cool at all, thanks. Either way, it’s still abusive/drinking problem Depp, so...nets not cool in the end anyway.

Tell you what— James Tiberius Kirk would romance any one of those ladies in a hot second.

It happens in other mediums, too! I’m looking at you, Chinese Democracy...



oh my god guys guys isn’t there something like so totally sweet and genuine about his unabashed adoration of his own work ? like do i love anything as much as justin loves this song? i have kids but wow what if he loves this song more than i love my kids


Hey, recycling is great!

I don’t get it. I don’t get any of it. Is this new? Are these different and interesting pieces or did he just do some interesting styling? What is he presenting that I could not have made myself if I had a desire to go dark monochrome with an oversized sweatshirt and shiny leggings?

Look, sometimes I accidentally have feelings while I watch television, but it’s the worst (screw you, Olympics advertising about moms). Why would I want to do that on purpose? UGH. NO THANKS.

Thank you! This is A+ news!

Ahhhh I knew I had forgotten to look for something on Prime. What are they charging?

I’m just here to high five this article. And you!

Oh, she definitely failed to establish herself in any iconic way until the very very end, and by then she was too bogged down in the email nonsense for it to do lasting good. The problem with not treating your ridiculous opponent like a serious opponent is that he never has a chance to show off exactly how ridiculous

Everything about Trump’s campaign was incredibly projectionist. His jabs about “stamina” (even though he meant that as code for “penis”), his bit about HRC running an “issue-free campaign,” all the times he called her crooked or deceitful... he seems to be running with the party’s theme.