
If a fully abled person loses their job and their home, there is a good chance those losses won’t kill them. If a disabled person like Terrence Doyle’s brother loses what little financial and medical aid he gets, there is a good chance it will kill him, and an even better chance it will cause him worse physical

“That said, I struggle to understand why your anger on this one issue is any different than some generic Trump voter’s anger about losing her job to an immigrant.”

And even if they were losing jobs to immigrants, the issue isn’t immigration; it’s policies that enable companies and corporations to hire people for lower wages and fewer benefits, which incentives hiring people from overseas or relocate to other countries.

Because the generic Trump voter’s anger is based on a racist fantasy with zero basis in reality.

No one in this country with less than a college education is losing their (desirable)jobs to immigrants, legal or otherwise.

The stupidity of this comment is breathtaking. You are a truly amazing species of moron. Holy fuck.

Please provide numbers on how many people lost jobs to immigrants. Hint: it’s a very, very small number. Most immigrants do the jobs no one else will do, especially the illegal immigrants. Now if you have a problem with H-1B, that’s something you’d have to talk to Repbulicans about (They were initial big H-1B supports

I get your point, but the Trump voter voted in ignorance, there was a lot of readily available info about how terrible his views are, and about how little he understands how governing works.

So they voted to potentially cause another financial meltdown and fuck over the environment?

I’m not trying to suggest that this hypothetical Trump voter is correct; I’m trying to say that both parties in this hypothetical consider themselves correct and their own issues most important. Democracy gives credit to all opinions that bother to vote, regardless of validity.

People losing jobs to immigrants is largely a myth. Someone’s healthcare being stolen away is not.

Should have stopped after paragraph 1. He’s sharing a personal story related to healthcare. Please explain how a discussion about immigration, which is being constantly litigated elsewhere, would have enhanced this article.

“I struggle to understand why your anger on this one issue is any different than some generic Trump voter’s anger about losing her job to an immigrant. “

Perhaps you should consider that the author’s anger here is based directly on specific policy changes Republicans are currently proposing and trying to pass that

Terrence has put a higher value on health care than making sure his strawberries are picked by naturalized citizens. People who voted for Trump obviously care more about illegal immigrants than their own health care or they wouldn’t have voted for him.

Because this is a real concern, and hypothetical Trump voters aren’t actually losing their jobs to immigrants. They’re losing their jobs to automation and to industries moving overseas.


I don’t have it in me to feel badly for them at all. I actively feel glee and schadenfreude when I see these people, who voted this way because of their own racism, sexism, and stupidism, whine about realizing that they’re gonna suffer to. Good. I hope it hurts.

Simple. He tried to vote in a way that protected himself. The Trump voter voted in a way that let the wolves in. You’ll counter with “But they thought it would help” which I just note that there was plenty of information out there to tell them otherwise.

To the people who support Trump and will lose health care. . .