Fuck off, Samantha.
Fuck off, Samantha.
Please shut the fuck up. How on earth did you get out of the grays?
She does deserve this feedback b/c what she is doing is employing a subtle anti black rhetoric, and she knows it, cause she’s done it several times now, that Asians and white and mestizo Latinos love to employ when they see us making gains for ourselves. Making us the problem, when who they need to save that energy…
Here’s some truth...
Uh...no. Fuck that guy and fuck you for defending him.
Oh shut the fuck up. No one knew had a gun and anyone would easily tell him to mind his fucking business if he butted into your transaction with some racist BS. You know who else might have had a gun? One of the kids. Where’s your advice for the fat racist to mind his own fucking business?
The kind of white women NBC was courting with Kelly’s hire only wants to be racist in private or in the voting booth. They don’t want it reflected back to them. It’s why they get pissed when caught on camera and why they rejected Megyn Kelly.
This is a very bad take given the situation.
You saw that shit too, huh?
She could always transfer to a college somewheres in Florida to finish her degree, then work for a news blog, and use the fact that she went to a HBCU as a way to lend herself credibility when she inevitably writes a bad take on what a black, former president should do with his free time.
What was Nazi Skipper doing trying law school at an HBCU anyway ...?
Damn that is a good looking family.
They did ask about party identification, and that section was well covered by news outlets. My issue with using party identification as a substitute for talking about race is that black or Latinx is *not* synonymous with “Democrat”—but you wouldn’t know that based on the vast majority of political coverage.
“I want to marry that paragraph.” Me too!!!! lol
🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 All of the stars!!!! Thanks you
The hilarious thing is that this guy, who made his political bones as Ken Starr’s chief panty sniffer, is going to go down because he lied to cover up sexual misbehavior.
YyyyyeeeeeeaaaaaaaNOT EXACTLY. Sure there are similarities when you squint your eyes and check out the odd behaviors, but I don’t ever recall Lauryn Hill ever straight up selling black people down the river and uplifting some trash ass white male himbo as the ideal man of all time.
I’m confused. Who am I supposed to be mad at? I’m leaning towards just eating a Snickers. Can someone tell?