Wasn’t a big part of The Shining how both Jack and Wendy were both alienated from their respective families? Why would a sibling then name their child after their estranged, homicidal sibling?
Wasn’t a big part of The Shining how both Jack and Wendy were both alienated from their respective families? Why would a sibling then name their child after their estranged, homicidal sibling?
I’ve always been confused by how polarizing HSP can be. I’ve shown it to several friends/relatives I’d expect to adore it only for them to tell me how irritating the characters were.
I think Saul got away clean.
Not as much as in Omaha. Watching that scene, I couldn’t help but notice that all of the streets and sidewalks were dry as bone once they pulled away from the hospital. Then again, I got the feeling that the scenes were filmed during a significantly warmer part of the year (e.g. spring/summer) than everyone was…
But they (and the country) have reached a TURNING POINT!!!!! Don’t you see the SYMBOLISM?!?!?!
Philip Pullman’s His Dark Materials series (or more accurately, the last installment where he gets really blunt with the anti-religion stuff). At that point (like mid high school, I think?), I’d already been waffling between wanting to believe in the Christian God my family did and accepting the fact that deep down, I…
I kind of hate the whole hero/villain binary to begin with. I see most supposedly “evil” acts as a direct consequence of their perpetrators’ humanity (i.e. people reacting to difficult circumstances in a flawed way due to a variety of personal and external factors despite having relatively good intentions) rather than…
I suspect the difference may come down to a different preference in terms of seeing the internalized vs. externalized consequences dramatized. I’d probably agree that there are more consequences for Walt’s actions in the later seasons of BB (the law coming down, relationships falling apart, etc.), but it seemed to me…
Wanted to add: so far, BCS has remained really character- and relationship-focused—which is a lot of why I like it—although this is right around the time (structurally speaking) that those things started to change in BB, so we’ll see how things progress.
I love Better Call Saul, but Jesus, 16 minutes?
My dad stopped watching Breaking Bad a few episodes before that point for similar reasons (“Peekaboo” was the breaking point for both my parents—he has an absolute intolerance to graphic depictions of physical violence and she has a thing about endangered kids), and he likes Better Call Saul a lot.
Baker recalled that one of the FBI’s top agents, known as the “human lie-detector,” interrogated him, and added that if the FBI had focused on surveilling terrorists and not McDonald’s winners, 9/11 might never have happened.
Nice to see it get the GIF treatment in the new Easter Egg article.
Nice to see it get the GIF treatment in the new Easter Egg article.
Nice to see it get the GIF treatment in the new Easter egg article.
who tried to keep his down together
Right. I’m sure this is 100% an issue of her failing to appreciate the depths of your wisdom as opposed to her having determined the type she buys better disguises her BO or exercising a personal preference or anything like that.
Easier done with some products than others. I indeed only purchase men’s razors for this very reason, but at the same time I find many of the shampoo and deodorant scents the powers that be have decided are “masculine” pretty barf-worthy, to say nothing of the anxiety about the potential for negative reactions from…
“How many minions did you kill to make that coat?”
Ooh, did you guys also do the unit that included short film adaptations of “The Monkey’s Paw” and “Under the Biltmore Clock”?