
What a time to be alive.

Way to go, Brickstarter. That’ll win people over to the cause for sure!

Exactly. “Pedophile, sexual harasser, frequently ignore[s] the law, sexist, racist” is like the Thanksgiving family seating chart. Lose the “pedophile,” and it doubles as a checklist of the necessary qualifications to run for local office.

Thanks for this—looking forward to sending that video to every redneck relative who mentions Obama and “war on Christmas” in the sentence this holiday season.

I assumed that someone was going to save the dog from being put down from the get-go since its euthanizing it would distract some viewers from the more humorous treatment of the elderly tenant’s death and its fallout. (Don’t get me wrong—Shameless loves to mix drama and comedy, but it’s usually fairly consistent in

I kept thinking, “If you only have 39 hours and can’t buy it yourself in Missouri, why are you wasting time trying to get a stranger to buy it as opposed to G’ingTFO?”

If random acts of violence are the only thing that makes your music experience fun and exciting, you’re listening to the wrong artists. I’d be happy to make some recommendations.

That was my impression when I was watching the video on my phone, but when viewed at full size it looks pretty targeted—especially when compared to the shuffle-type kicks he’s doing shortly before. You can also see the photographer’s head snap back and her camera go flying.

Hmm. Definitely don’t remember it being *that* explicit and I recently re-watched the whole series, too.

Distancing language for sure, but not even close to the passive voice, which involves some form of the verb “to be” plus the past participle and situates the direct object (the thing being thought about, in this case) as the subject. The passive voice would be “It was thought about.”

I’m trying to remember—is this old news? How much of this argument is text rather than subtext at this point?

Is it just me, or was there some implication that Whiterose/Dark Army might have been responsible for Elliot’s father’s death? (And I guess Angela’s mom by extension.) That last line in her conversation with Grant (“I’m thinking it’s time he died for us, too”) was hella ambiguous—given the context, it could be

Funny, but technically speaking, the figure of speech Wombat is shitting all over here is actually an analogy, not a metaphor, since your comment’s relationship to Weinstein and Hoffman was merely implied rather than directly stated.

I have something of a coat fetish myself, which is a lot harder to justify now that I’ve moved from Wisconsin to the Southwest.

I have something of a coat fetish myself, which is a lot harder to justify now that I’ve moved from Wisconsin to the Southwest.

There are a lot of anachronistic details that don’t quite ring true in this show (see: Midge’s meditations on motherhood, flashing everyone in the first set, frequent f-bomb drops...pretty much all of her stand-up content/tone, really). Amy Sherman Palladino is way more invested in building *her* vision of mid-century

Just like Santa. That’s what all you liberal cucks failed to grasp back in the early 2000s—the War on Christmas was just the first step along the way to white genocide. 🙄

Totally agree. And no worries, I binged the whole thing the first day (mostly because I’ve run through all of the other TV on the Internet). ;)