
Other day on twitter I said something supportive of Bernie or maybe retweeted something of his. I immediately got three follows, all from dudes with just horrible anti-Hillary shit on their profiles. One called her “Hitlery,” the others were sexist as hell.

Yeah, I hear you. Yesterday, Bernie’s facebook page posted a status about the pay gap between men and women. So many bros came forward to say that it didn’t exist. I almost sobbed.

It kills me how many guys need to actually see it happening to a woman to believe it happens even after hearing story upon story from women.

I'm Team No One on this one, but TLC is to tv as E Coli is to a neighborhood BBQ.

This guy is not exactly Mr. Sympathetic, but that unholy network chews up and spits people out. Generally, fucked-up, greedy attention whore types, but human beings nonetheless. Children who’s opportunistic parents sign away their childhoods and privacy should take class action lawsuit against The Leering Channel.

I was reading at the beach once and some guy came up to me, without looking at my book, and said, “I’ve been meaning to read that book. What do you think of it?” My response was, “You’ve been meaning to read the textbook for my negotiations seminar?” If I’m reading in public, I want to read. Leave me alone. This is

The thing you have to remember is, that response wasn’t about you. It was a learned response from something that happened that did not involve you.

It’s pretty clear. If she thinks he’s a nice guy, but he’s not, she risks being stalked, raped or killed. If she thinks he’s dangerous, but he’s really not, the worst thing that has happened is...nothing, really. He keeps saying he was treated like he’s a rapist, but what did she really do? She gave him some side-eye

Then you need to talk to other men about gender-based violence and work towards deconstructing the culture of toxic masculinity that enables such violence, not blame women for responding in legitimate ways based on their lived experience of that violence.

Not to mention if she’s in a hotel, she’s unfamiliar already with her surroundings. When I have been a single traveler, I am always hypersensitive and alert. when I read his post, I was feeling so bad for this woman...we have all been there—chances are she was saying to herself, “I’m sure it’s fine...but what if it’s

You have the patience of a saint.

I remember once, when I first started dating my wonderful fiance, we started talking about street harassers, and, to be funny, he did an impression of one:

I don’t know about you, but I only tell my husband or male friends the extreme stories. They never hear about all the times I got catcalled. They certainly don’t hear about every jackass who has ever told me to smile. They only hear the stories about the guy who was waiting at my car for hours or who followed me or

Virtually every woman I know has at least one story.

I get that you care and you want to be an ally but don’t ask the women in this space to make you feel better about being a man; use your voice to join them in condemning this man’s violence without involving your own ego. A woman is dead. Your post, although well-intentioned, is a derail.

As street harassment awareness has become more common, my husband (also a feminist) and I have talked about it a lot and in so doing I’ve shared a whole bunch of stories. He is horrified by them and asks “Wait, this happened when I knew you? Why did you never tell me about this?” I was like “This is just normal; more

I just want to remind everyone that even if you have not experienced violence or harassment due to rejecting unwanted advances you absolutely know someone who has, this is as horrifying as it is common.

“why not be honest and just tell them you’re not interested??”