EARS! <3
EARS! <3
What a horrifying story... to have your loved ones watch you die during a live broadcast. How stunningly awful.
That’s kind of what I thought.
Sort of off-topic but still somewhat relevant:
Taylor Armstrong was a pretty damn sad Housewife, too.
You’re correct - in this particular case, I do not believe that race plays much of a part. I believe that the Fogle case has been all but wrapped up, negating the need for constant media coverage. I believe that the Cosby case is nothing but loose ends and new accusations that NO ONE seems to be taking seriously…
The answer can be both, right? Because I’m going to go with both.
Your original point was between Jared Fogle and Bill Cosby. That was the only situation I was referring to.
Jared Fogle is being prosecuted.
Personally, I’m still holding out for a Rihanna/Marshawn coupling...
Thank you. I was like, am I the only one who finds him attractive?
You’re my kinda people.
She’s the greatest thing to come out of that franchise, for sure.
I just sat here for so long waiting for it to finish...
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I’m too old to watch my fucking mouth.