
Al-Qadim was D&D’s “generic middle east” setting. Kara-Tur was D&D’s “generic feudal asia” setting. Maztica was D&D’s “generic central america” setting. Greyhawk was D&D’s “generic feudal Europe” setting.


Fair enough. From the casual viewer POV, though, it certainly seemed like those two were hired and billed as the show leads. Really, I think the problem is deeper than a superficial pay discrepancy - it’s more about the fact that the “non-white dudes” are intentionally featured less, therefore a lesser amount of pay.

I’ve seen, at best, 4-5 episodes of this show over the years, and when I tune in, it’s to see “cops riding around on the hoods of cars,” while I’m doing other stuff. “Cops riding around on the hoods of cars,” is so, SO lacking in today’s network programming. Amen.

Anyone have any tips for reading really, really clunky/corporate jargony material where re-writes aren’t option?

Gary Gygax is the George Lucas of gaming.

They made a prequel trilogy?!!!

They made a prequel trilogy?!!!

Depends on the game you run/play. Some of us like grittier low-magic D&D, and a 1:32 scale size renaissance faire is perfect for that.

If you’re smart about creating it, you can make this stuff very modular. So... while the set-up might be churned through by a party within a few sessions, you can easily rotate some tiles, move some buildings, and get an entirely different map every time. The key is not locking everything down.

The only thing sadder than the fact that they only made 14 episodes of this show... 14 years ago... is the fact that they continue to slap “Firefly” on just about any sub-standard junk browncoats are dumb enough to buy. ReAction figures, Yahtzee, that god-awful boardgame and Serenity RPG. I’m still waiting for the

The only thing sadder than the fact that they only made 14 episodes of this show... 14 years ago... is the fact that