
I honestly have no idea why they haven't recreated FFVII. It would be a cash cow. Sure it would be probably the largest remake undertaking in years due to its sheer size and age, but with proper marketing it would be on par with the Kim Kardashian nude for people who love the game. Commonly called one of the best RPGs

THIS. Just THIS. So much could be said about this. This is so little and it means so fucking much. I want to frame it and hang it on my wall.

First, I adore your user name. I have an anecdote too about obnoxious men being shut down and while it's a funny story, it has genuinely changed the way I feel about and respond to harassment. Growing up and through my twenties I was conventionally attractive but also quite shy, and with a serious case of resting

You are confusing masculinity and machismo. Only one is worth having.

JT.Haze has the right of it. While there's a lot here that I appreciate, I think it's deeply unfair of you to use "Asians." In Japan, it is middle-aged Japanese men who have all the power. Those decrying being labeled you refer to are probably Asian-Americans or those of Asian ethnicity in various once all white, or

I.. Don't think "Asians" just all stand around whining about racism while being racist. I certainly do think that some members of all races use racism against themselves as an excuse to be racist against others though.

As a fellow ugly woman, I have had similar experiences. Mostly before I was legally an adult. I only know that my experiences were unusual when I compare them to my close female friends - when we were teens, and now.

Thing is, we were all harassed by men in all kinds of situations. When things were at their worst,

Absolutely. I know it's weird and shitty. But, genuinely, the only times I am approached and treated like a sexual object, it's by . . . middle-aged homeless men. Would I feel better if I were approached by attractive people who weren't decades older than me? I don't know, because I haven't had that experience.

The end of this story was deeply satisfying.

I . . . look, I'm ugly. I'm an ugly woman. It's okay, I am. I am just not . . . conventionally attractive. I was a weird little goblin-faced child, I was a freakish adolescent, I'm an ugly adult.

I'm sorry for the harassment and awful treatment you've been subject to over the years and the course of this story. Hopefully my brief anecdote will afford you a smile.

I am beyond glad that I never had to be 14 and deal with a 40 year old making suggestive comments.

realfeminismsmsmsmsmsms is really threatened by women.

I want a game where I play as Cersei and I get to just sit on the iron throne and glare at people for six episodes

excuse me, that's officially called The Resting Bitch Face.

It is an original story. You play someone from House Forrester. But whether these are cameos or more recurring characters, you can't avoid some of the more prominent figures in the universe.

So, because of an attempted assassination of a political figure in another country, it's okay for you to creep on a stranger? By that logic, I can run you over with a '76 Jeep Cherokee, because...drone strikes?

It boggles the mind, doesn't it? To try and determine what it is about the idea of female equality that scares the living shit out of so many little trolls like that.

Who the fuck let you out of the greys