on the jeans front at least the lack of functional pockets is becoming a guy issue too.
on the jeans front at least the lack of functional pockets is becoming a guy issue too.
I've had to start making my own jeans so I can make my back pockets as huge as I want
Pockets are one of my first criteria when shopping for pants. Finding them on skirts is always a pleasant surprise.
On a related note I'm studying abroad in England and here they don't sell pads in bulk like they do in the US, they all come on in teensy squares of like 10 or 16, which means you have to buy them more often. Grrrrr
I complain to my boyfriend about his pocket privilege all the time.
Must resist......can't....urge to make stupid joke is greater than my willpower...
agree on all of these points. i mean, even women's clothing is not designed for longevity-even if made by the same company. my partner and i both went to H&M to get some new pants and cardigans last year. I needed to replace those pants after about a year because they wore thin and got small holes (mostly in the inner…
Let's not even get started on how much bras cost, especially for the large-breasted, and how women's underwear are a fraction of the fabric of most men's and yet somehow still twice as expensive.
When I was 17 I found a box of pads at the DC Safeway across the street from me that had a $5.99 sticker over the suggested retail price of $4.99 that was printed on the package. The manager defended it, saying that price was only suggested.
a lyric quote, by Jello Biafra, from the song Mate, Spawn & Die, on Lard's 1990 album The Last Temptation of Reid:
Mine must be the exception then. I can fit my phone in my pockets with no problems. (I buy women's jeans, I swear!) My wallet doesn't fit because it's huge, and my keychain is too big to fit in my pockets anyway. You have my sympathies though :(
The no pocket thing drives The Nerdy Mr nuts, because I'm not big on carrying a bag. So if he hands me his wallet or phone or something, I'm still carrying it in my hand 20-30 minutes later. I started wearing tailored scrub tops just to have some damn pockets.
I feel like I'm in the minority, but every single pair of jeans that I own have actual pockets. Granted, I buy my jeans at Old Navy and Wal-mart. It's my dress slacks that don't have pockets. I still carry a purse regardless, I have too much stuff that goes with me to work to not have one.
An obvious experiment for the benefit of oblivious people.
We have a lot of silly socially accepted ideas that make no sense.
I like this guy! Just to add to the points he was making- this also has obvious financial effects as well. Women are expected to wear different and reasonably on trend clothing, shoes and makeup. Men can get by with about three suits, a couple pairs of shoes, a dozen shirts and ties for years!
Pssht.. Sherlock wore that same stupid hat and trenchcoat every single day and no one ever said shit.
This is really cool. It's nice to see a dude go to so much effort to make this kind of point, and manage to do it in an attention-getting but not chiding or shamey way. ALL THE CANDY CANES FOR YOU, KARL STEFANOVIC. YOU GO KARL STEFANOVIC.
...he simply proved something we all already know, the double standard women deal with on a day-to-day basis.