Everyone has different opinions. Being flippant about sexual abuse and leaving out giant chunks of relevant information IS embarrassing. Your snarky response is gross.
Everyone has different opinions. Being flippant about sexual abuse and leaving out giant chunks of relevant information IS embarrassing. Your snarky response is gross.
As a gynecist, insult-babies are the only babies I don't murder.
The scene I read where Lena masturbated in bed with her sister asleep right next to her occurred when Lena was 17. So her sister was 10.
Gynecism promotes the political position that the primary and most essential power a female can hold is the control of her own sexual and genital functions.
Yes. Here are some links to document what I am talking about.
I wish the website that so frequently discusses white privilege actually acknowledged it in themselves.
This comment reeks of, "STOP COMPLAINING ABOUT YOUR PROBLEMS! THERE ARE STARVING CHILDREN IN AFRICA!" This is not the pain olympics. Street harassment and the treatment of rape in India are both issues that deserve discussion and prevention methods.
"Female" does this, "Female" does that. You'd be the gynecist, you fucking moron, if you weren't a sphyncterist. Women are not just sexual difference on two legs, you oozy dickberet. God this is pissing me off.
THANK YOU. One more thing: Lena also relishes in delivering her sister bad news (like their grandfather dying) because it would mean that her sister would give her attention. That is some next level shit.
Pretty much. Funny how there is no mention of Lena dressing up her 5 year old sister as a Hells Angel sex toy as she posted on instragram or of 17 year old Lena masterbating herself while her sister slept nearby or of Lena grooming her sister by bribing her with candy or even of Lena outing her sister and removing her…
Why are we acting like this is only about her touching her 1 year old sister's vagina when she was 7 and not also about emotionally coercing her sister into sleeping in her bed and then masturbating while she sleeps? And about paying her sister in candy to give her long kisses on the lips? And about paying her sister…
You left out the part where she talks about masturbating while her sister was in the bed with her. I've not been one to say OMG SEXUAL ABUSE but clearly boundaries and tack were lacking in the Dunham household. And it's just weird for people to be like "Oh she's just quirky." If she wasn't famous and just that woman…
I think my biggest issue with this whole fiasco is not the acts Lena describes, but that she so cavalierly mentions that she did what a sexual predator would do (as I realize you discuss in this article). I realize that this is her brand of humor and maybe I just don't get her humor, but it is an out-of-touch,…
How is that feminist bs? Good lord lol
weird how when it's conan pointing out the dumb awful shit in videogames everyone else takes for granted he's not flooded with death threats
Alternate theory then: He's a garbage man to make sure that all the toys that are thrown away meet their doom.
I know, right? Jinx lost so much complexity and compellingness as a Pokemon when Nintendo changed the color of its skin to avoid associations with fucked up associations from America's tragic racial history. Jinx was totally my favorite Pokemon until the skin changed from black to purple, then the Pokemon was ruined…
A lot of (the majority of?) mpreg enthusiasts are women actually. Which makes the whole thing even stranger/more interesting, because you're no longer fantasizing about an experience you can't have. You're just fantasizing about the opposite gender having that experience.
Have at it, boys. I have zero objections to sharing the burden of replicating the species. But fair is fair. You also have to copiously bleed from you penis every 28 days with the side effect of extremely painful cramps and you have to keep this secret because of social stigma. Have fun!
It's difficult to express how unimportant it is for the world to understand any of this.