I love The Bold Italic. People get SO butthurt over little kids getting the opportunity to eat haute cuisine and it cracks me up. Like, guys, the restaurants are totally into it. It's good publicity.
eh, not as scary as werewolf bar mitzvah - spooky, scary
So I've never watched any of Ms. Sarkeesian's videos, but I am well aware of the shitstorm she's stirred up. I don't get what the problem is though. She wants women to not be portrayed as a walking pair of tits. More like badass rebooted Lara Croft and less like those two concubines that you get to bang in God of War…
No one said all games have to be about 'girl power' though, you'll not find that in any of her videos.
When in reality, Sarkeesian only spoke up in defense of the hashtag creator's right to voice her opinion, which Colbert also stated
Oh, I agree. Much like Leigh Alexander's article says, "Gamer" means nothing because everyone from people's 3 year old niece to their 90 year old nana play games these days.
I just don't get this argument; you see, I'm a guy, and I've been playing video games for 32 years. Every article or video I've seen of hers points out over relied on tropes, but I've never felt like it was an attack against *me*. Saving the damsel in distress, scantly clad women as scenery, and the submissive, timid,…
"Gamer" is an old term at this point. Video games are mainstream and played by everyone in various a capacities. Gamers should shed that skin which is starting to become tainted and rephrase themselves as people who play games.
Your self-absorbed navel gazing is noted.
Is this sarcasm? There is no way this is serious. You couldn't possibly be this ignorant about the complaints levied against games.
An agency used by WB to promote the game, wanted to pay YouTubers to present the video on their channel positively. Some YouTubers said this is okay, because it happens. Some didn't. The fact is, is that this was a real example of something that happens a lot, and barely a peep after some big guys on YouTube came out…
You're a stupidhead.
Gamergate started circling the wagons the moment Sarkeesian tweeted the picture of herself at Colbert's desk.
Eh, it wasn't without flaws (a lot of flaws!), but Colbert hit some nice notes there. Anita was purely the foil in this situation. But it was a decent slot.
Because in the course of almost 5 years no one can become a fan of anything. EVERYTHING MUST STAY EXACTLY THE SAME ALWAYS.
Nailed it.
I mean, yeah, it glossed over a few of finer points, but it's a 10 minute segment on a comedy show. That whole segment was way better than anyone had any right to expect.
From the tweets I've read so far when this aired, is A: They are very angry/disappointed that Colbert isn't siding with them. B: They are planning to try harder.