A warm welcome to the random dudes who show up in these threads to ask why women find catcalling offensive and then ignore all the answers!
A warm welcome to the random dudes who show up in these threads to ask why women find catcalling offensive and then ignore all the answers!
I'm 36. I'd rather stab a fork in my eye than date a 24 year old.
I totally think the Gwyneth/Chris/Jennifer story is tabloid BS, but if JLaw did indeed complain to Chris about his interest in his own children, she'd drop quite a few notches on my respectometer. That ain't cute or cool, honey. They were there first.
Many life changes ago, I was a background actor for the movie where Sandra Bullock wears red boots a lot. I was placed right next to her and the 2nd AD kept ordering me around brusquely, maybe a little more harshly than a normal 2nd AD would. He kept calling me "You", which, no big deal. But after the 20th, "Hey you".…
So a 24 year old with no children didn't know what it would be like to date someone who already had 2 children?
My bff just found out her sister's boyfriend, who the sister has been dating for a YEAR, has a daughter. He has never mentioned her, and never sees her. We are collectively freaking out because seriously HE IS A BAD PERSON BREAK UP WITH HIM NOW.
For she could tell the future, you see, and knew that Martin-Lawrence would not last.
On the flip side, parents *can* date. Mommy saying, "Daddy's on a date! Let's call him!" doesn't necessarily mean he wasn't spending enough time with the kiddos.
I may be wrong, but the line "The kids would constantly call Chris when he was with Jennifer..." read to me that she was having the kids call Chris specifically when he was with Jennifer, which sort of seems like she's using her children to further some kind of personal vendetta, and that doesn't seem super cool from…
if I was divorcing the father of my children, I would make sure he spent time with them also. Kids need their parents. You can't just go chasing after members of the opposite sex and forget about your children, what kind of parent/person does that make you. And if your new squeeze wants to spend time with the kids,…
Hoda Kotb declared catcalling to be inoffensive and quite complimentary this morning, and Matt Fucking Lauer had to set her straight. Today meets the Twilight Zone.
Y'all...I just....how in the world are people defending the actions of these guys??? I can't fathom it.
Or else they wax nostalgic as they harken back to the good ol' days of the 1930's when things were just so fine and simple - you know, the Great Depression, lynchings and the rise of Nazi Germany. I'm looking at your sorry, ignorant ass, McConaughfuckwit.
The reaction to this video is as awful as the catcalling itself. I've seen countless face book arguments where men I've always found to be pleasant and respectful, that I would have never guessed are sexist, are saying she's overreacting, so women are having to tell them to put their sister/mother/wife/daughter in…
Men get very angry when you challenge their entitlement to do whatever the fuck they want.
Fuck this bitch and her campaign to get money to stop men from simply talking to her in public