To be fair to USU, it's not like they could choose to ban guns from the event. There was no decision to make. They used to have a gun ban, but it was ruled unconstitutional by their supreme court. They can't ban guns on public property apparently. Blame their ass backwards legislature, and those of other states…
This shit is getting ridiculous. You don't agree with the woman, fine. No one ever said she was a saint or perfect or her word was gosphel. But you're going to threaten to commit the biggest school shooting in history over this? REALLY!?
These #GamerGate people want to have a "discussion" about gaming ethics by threatening women to shut up or be killed/raped. Last time I checked that's not conducive to having a discussion.
Sigh. I'm so tired of this, you guys. I don't care if you disagree with Sarkeesian, I don't care if you believe gaming should be immune to feminist analysis, I don't care if you personally think Sarkeesian is a bitch, but for the love of baby jesus christ, can we stop threatening to kill her just because of a…
Jezebel's own Lindy West is doing work on this topic on Twitter.
I feel like I'm living in some kind of fucked up alternate reality these days. I've always considered myself a feminist, but I used to kind of laugh off the idea that men could feel threatened by women, particularly the power of women's metaphoric "voice". But between the official efforts to restrict women's…
First thing I noticed in the comments on the site where I first read this story:
Y'know, when the article said nothing about gamers. Methinks the commenters doth protest too much(eth). Also, who the hell else is going to be this foaming-at-the-mouth pissed…
It is remarkable to me how quickly they come. They must have alerts set up on her name so they can show up and be childish. I'm so fucking sick of reading their bullshit. Video games. They're threatening to murder people over video games. Jesus Christ. Go volunteer, go see people with ACTUAL problems.
Really super excited for the trolls that plan on showing up and spouting nonsense about how she's "making this up" and "playing the victim".
But this is about journalistic ethics. Somehow. Even though most gators are ranting about SJW's and Zoe Quinn and Sarkeesian and #notallgamers.
Jesus, when did gamers turn into such fucking creeps?
Here's the thing.
Women voicing their opinon or speaking their minds are scaaaaaaarrrry.
I'm sensitive to this whole "gamergate" thing, and I feel for Anita Sarkeesian for all the online harassment
Well said sir.
and a possibility other people will cling to with a desperate, feverish hope, because it allows them to claim that THEY are the real victims, not the people being threatened with death for daring to let a woman speak at their university.
I'll just wait here for the #notallgamers crowd.
I'm a gamer. I have been for thirty years now.
I'm also a heterosexual, cisgendered white male—and while I sometimes have questions or concerns about Sarkeesians methods and research practices, her message isn't off the mark at all. She's onto something, and I think…
I volunteer myself to be the male spokesperson for feminism in video games. I want to see if that changes anything or if I would get death threats as well.
Jesus, I'm sick of this shit. It's not just one person, and the use of, "you/people/etc." inclusive-pronouns should be very clearly interpreted as meaning, "the dickheads responsible for this shit," not regular gamers just trying to enjoy their hobby.
As the Bard once penned, methink thou dost protest too much.