
Oh My God, This is HORRIBLE. What kind of person would do that, it's like they forget they're abusing actual living, breathing PEOPLE.

In short:

Wait, are you real?


So what? There are gay Republicans and some women involved in men's rights groups, also. That doesn't change the nature of the group they're involved with.

You realize there are strip clubs with men in them as well.

I think the point, which you have missed, is that in games it's like if 75% of restaurants were also strip bars. So that people who didn't particularly want some pimply ass stuck in their face had few options for a night out.

That's fine and a good distinction to make. I'm not against journalistic integrity. I'm all for that.

Go on Gamergate, exploit Islamophobia to help prop up a misogyny campaign made up primarily of white kids. It's the classiest move you can possibly make, and it definitely doesn't come off as a cowardly attempt to change the subject. Go on, do it.

Yeah, that's a pretty shitty comparison. One is a religion that wasn't founded on violence, the other is a group founded on the sole principle that women are horrible and should be vilified.

I love the taste of irony though...

Guy, that is the very fucking definition of 'misogyny'...

She thinks it's directly linked to her commentary on harassment within the GG movement, and that it was noted in a chat room before she was threatened. All things considered, she's probably right. I doubt people would target her simply because she's a female dev... These assholes are fine unless a woman dares have a

It might be time for a rebranding, friend. The term gamergate is toxic. If you're TRULY only concerned with journalistic standards within the gaming community, you're going to need a new name, because a few bad apples have spoiled your barrel.

Considering how many times he mentioned feminism in his tweets, yeah. I'm saying he went batshit like that because she "has a vagina," as you so classily put it.

Well she said ""I was literally watching 8chan go after me in their specific chatroom for Gamergate," she told Kotaku today. "They posted my address, and within moments I got that death threat." - so.. That pretty much answers why she thinks it's related.

I love this picture...

? You've been reading selectively then. Kotaku specifically have mentioned journalistic ethics on multiple occasions since this all blew up. Some of the things GG (and milo) are obsessing over would make for ridiculous stories anyway. XD

Go on guys, tell me again how the whole MRA movement is just "people voicing their opinions". Go on, do it.

In a way that an all-male original cast was not?

Guess you missed the part where the original was written by a Black guy? Thanks for playing!