
Your Just Another Criticizing Zombie Citizen.

Can Will Smith Convince Jaden Smith To Go To School So He Might Possibly Learn About Grammar, Punctuation And Spelling?

Can Will Smith go on Kimmel and read Jaden Smith tweets out loud?

Great, now fashion is following the Korean standard. It was like living in a country full of ghosts.

And they managed to not only choose white ladies. See, was it that hard?

This is the second story about a vicious murder I've read on Jezebel in as many weeks. The tone of them is very there's something inherently tragic and relatable about female murderers.

Victorian era lesbian(possibly trans man) kills lover in obsessive rage following forced breakup.

hmm, as a lesbian i feel obligated to read this. the story sounds interesting enough but the writing style

"That show is awkward because there's actually no reason for that character to be Indian."

There's no *reason* to make a character Indian? And . . . so he should be white? I just . . . I'm spluttering in my head. What would be a reason to make the character Indian? To play into a stereotype, or only if the show is set in India? I've recently come to realize that I (white) grew up thinking of "white" as the

These guys! Always, with the gross beards! Always!

Testicular cancer is one of the most treatable forms of cancer out there, and men are actually more likely to die from breast cancer than they are from testicular cancer.

The intention of the theft was to profit on the sale of images of a woman's naked body without her consent. The intent, the mens rea, is driven by the sale of sexual pleasure. The intention behind crimes matters - a lot - enough that we criminalize certain acts when they are done with different intentions. For

What if you looked at the naked pictures, but didn't masturbate to them?

Even people who I know and love say, 'Oh, yeah, I looked at the pictures.' I don't want to get mad, but at the same time I'm thinking, I didn't tell you that you could look at my naked body."

People she knew and loved not only looked, but told her they looked, like it's totally nbd? That might be the most appalling thing about this whole fucking story. I literally cannot imagine having someone who loved me be complicit in that kind of violation that was done to me. It's utterly horrifying to think that

"You should cower with shame."

i think it's gorgeous...but they should have gone with something else if they're going to discuss her violation.

"It's my body and it should be my choice."

I'm kind of conflicted about this cover.