I mean it seems like everyone else liked it so it's probably just a matter of taste. You might love it!
I mean it seems like everyone else liked it so it's probably just a matter of taste. You might love it!
Ok I know I'll get major hate for this opinion, but I just saw Gone Girl today, and I thought it was horrible. I didn't even just kind of dislike it.... I hated it. Since everyone is giving a positive review here, I decided to throw that into the ring to offer a different perspective, in case anyone else thought it…
So, I guess I'm the only female who thought Gone Girl was misogynistic...
I always get a good laugh when Hollywood (and the media in general) is shocked when female-led films do well. We're half the population, of course many women want to see more women in films!
"Faith- based Action- Thriller" is virtually never a good sign of prosperity in the box office.
Well, that's about $6.9M more than I thought Left Behind would do!
A medical ethicist I used to work with had a great thought experiment for people who like to talk about personhood for fertilized eggs. He would ask them if a room containing a freezer full of thousands of fertilized eggs and a live human infant were on fire, and they could only save one - the freezer or the baby -…
For real. And for that matter, why aren't they concerned about the epidemic of miscarriages? A large portion of pregnancies end in accidental miscarriages. If these people actually saw fetuses on the same level as born humans, they'd mourn that.
Too bad that you were born to a young woman who wasn't ready to be a mother and can't afford to take care of herself let along you some slut who couldn't keep her legs together.
Don't forget that they must wear red to indicate that they are handmaids.
Corporations = Persons with all sorts of Constitutional and other rights
They literally are. http://www.polygon.com/2014/9/4/61051…
I agree with most of your points. Please don't dismiss the threats as just Internet trolls though. When people post your home address and threaten rape and assault, that's over the line.
1. You're suggesting the threats to Anita and others are "false flags"?! No. Just go look at her @ mentions on twitter and see plenty of threats and sexism.
I feel like your post contains a clear double standard. You say that gamers like you are, "getting sick of people accusing [you] of something that [you're] not", then tell those on the end of horrible internet threats to just let them go, saying, 'If you're so emotionally challenged that a comment from some anonymous…
It's interesting that you feel personally attacked by these general statements. I am a gamer and I don't feel like all these statements apply to me at all (though I am LGBT and that part of my identity has definitely given me a different perspective and probably inadvertently aligned me with a certain side). I don't…
It's worth noting that you don't understand the word "primarily".
There's a really really strong undercurrent of misogyny in Gamer Gate. It's worth noting that the people being attacked for their "ethics" are primarily women.