But don't you know that both Jesus and Santa are white????
But don't you know that both Jesus and Santa are white????
They never teach how the FBI consistently tried to paint MLK as an adulterer and communist either. Also, no joke: in school Malcolm X was taught as some sort of terrorist. SIGH. #whitehistorymonth
Sorry for deadposting, but Jeeez. A friend linked me to this article again and I just read through all these comments once more. This is why I am always hesitant to post on Brotaku, because of all the men who don't get it. Just wanted to say sorry for all the trolls and hate you got here. Love all the guys who seemed…
Hence why the South Park wiener song is so great!! (Soft wieners, nice and soft, non-erect wieners!)
I have to stop myself from singing it under my breath in public all the time. Yesterday I actually muttered it under my breath and the person next to me on the bus gave me the strangest look. Sorry, stranger!
I go to Duke, and follow the school news quite closely. There have been no reports of death threats from any Duke students, from any official Duke source, which makes me think that either the threats aren't coming from Duke students or that the administration is bound to remain tight-lipped about the whole process.
I like the school girl outfit on my 30 year old men.
That's not part of the main series though. There should be a game in the main series ,with the same amount of time and dedication that a main series game gets. Though Aveline making an appearance in this game would be amazing. In my opinion, she was a better character than both Connor and Edward.
I can see your point, and he's certainly not worse than the people harassing Ms. Knox. Regarding Ms. Knox herself, she is (or at least was) full of contradiction. I think at first she wasn't fully comfortable with being outed. But she released a statement recently that seemed to embrace her porn persona more.
I agree that the real villains is the true misogyny behind Ms. Knox's death threats. Although he served as the catalyst to her reveal, she probably wouldn't have cared if people didn't react with such outrage against her.
According to some accounts he confronted her, and promised not to tell. And then he got drunk and told all his frat bros anyways.
I simultaneously thank you and curse you for posting that pic. It set off a revelation in me. Also, apparently he confronted Ms. Knox, and she made him promise not to tell. Then he told. Everybody. I cannot deal with the amount of douchebaggery that must have taken.
hahah I didn't realize he was in my class! He hasn't shown up for a while, now that I think of it....Hmm.
Yes. I go here. We have a bad rep in the community, because of all the WASPs. I sad.
I go to Duke as an undergrad, and I can tell you that no one cares over here. People are eye-rolling at the guy who outed Ms. Knox, though. I said this on the Playboy site, got yelled at, because #misandry. Seriously though. He confronted her about it, and then promised not to tell. Then he gets drunk and tells his…