
NOOO I mean, Draco kind of redeems himself at the end, but NO relationship should be founded upon one partner being racist against the other. He's constantly belittling her and spewing out Mudblood crap at her. Even if they were to reconcile, they should never be romantic partners.

My ship is still intact: Ernie Macmillan/Good Apparition Techniques

I'm not Russian, but I can tell you that Russians have more fun in their weddings. For instance, it's common for the groom and bride to participate in a "bride ransom", where the groom has to approach the bride's apartment/house and has to "survive" all the trials laid out to him by the bride's family and friends.


Some Russians have a more romantic view of the etymology of this toast/chant: they shout "горько" because the world is so bitter, and only a sweet kiss can undo that. It's so cheesy but so cute.

HAHAHA this makes me laugh

Right? Even here in the States, the first thing I'll do is raise a bitchfest and demand a lawyer if ever brought in for questioning, even if I'm totally, 100% innocent.

The same action, with different written subtexts:
"She defiantly sat in silence."
"She was too terrified to speak."

I don't even know if she's guilty or not, but now if I ever end up in a situation like this in a foreign country, the first thing I'll do is call the embassy or call a (preferrably bilingual) lawyer. You are seriously at a disadvantage when you don't know how the legal system works. Knowing how to get legal counsel

I agree that a huge part of Knox's source of sympathy comes from the fact that she's a pretty white girl, but in American law you can't be tried twice for the same crime. Thus her verdict probably won't be recognized by the U.S.

I just sprayed my drink everywhere, and now I'm praying my professor doesn't think less of me. THANKS

Saaaame ahh I watched the season 2 trailer and was screaming the whole time.

Laurence Fishburne and Hettienne Park make the show.

Only guy to ever wear a fedora and look actually dapper is Laurence Fishburne's Jack Crawford from Hannibal. I tried to find a picture but there aren't any of him with the hat that isn't traumatizing (dead bodies, everywhere!!!).

This probably isn't what happened in this case, but recently I saw that random strangers had accepted my friend requests... that I hadn't even sent out.

Dang. I learned so much today. Stay warm and safe!!

I just looked up Chicago's weather. You have my condolences. But not those little assholes. They can go outside butt-naked and get frostbite on their penises (or other assorted genitalia).

Isn't Illinois far enough up north for them to be used to the cold and the snow??

You do get to choose horrible traits for your Sims, such as "Evil", "Snob", or "Mean Spirited." But that gives more of an amusing effect than anything else. I love it when I tell my Evil Sims to go have an "Evil Slumber" (other Sims get a simple "Sleep" option)