Well f*ck. I'm sorry :(
Well f*ck. I'm sorry :(
Agreed. In this case, the effect of the article is also influenced by its readership. Since Jezebel's prime audience is straight females, I feel some sort of trepidation when reading their comments.
I think it's good to discuss problems within certain communities, but it's also important that we don't use those problems as justification for bias towards them. For example, Asians have some of the worst racist attitudes. I like discussing that, and I can do so comfortably because I am Asian. I also don't mind when…
It's like how Mrs. Epps treated Patsey in 12 Years a Slave—you make your own sh*t life seem better by making some other person's life even sh*ttier.
When I used to frequent the LGBTQ center on campus, I noticed that the space was dominated by white gay males. Of course, there are lesbian- and gay- and trans-specific sub-groups that met as well, but none of the non-gay-male people would show up to the general body meetings for the "main" group. I stopped going to…
Seeing as how the author is a gay male, I don't see how the "Uhh...durrrr" applies.
Are you in a college dorm, or renting an apartment? Because if you can you should move out as soon as possible.
There's always that pervasive bias towards certain countries :(
YES!! And no one will really mind because often the faculty and just random people from the surrounding neighborhood will bring their family. I once saw one of my professors with his wife there. (It didn't prevent the theater from screaming "BITCH!!!" every time the villain popped up though)
HAHAH the truth!!
Actually, some of the outfits were so badass (see the Dark Knight one). But it was apparent about the intentions behind some of the other ones.
You should sneak into a college-sponsored one. At my uni we sponsor free (well, for the students, it's like 3 bucks for visitors) sing-a-longs. Everyone shows up drunk and has a good time. Except when we played Mulan. When Mulan started speaking, everyone shut the f*ck up and then clapped and screamed after she…
Yeah my friend who played it said she loved it. In fact most people say they liked it! I can't say anything good or bad because I don't like judging games I haven't played. The only thing I have to say about the series is that FFX Yuna looked amazing, but FFX-2 Yuna and co. are hyper-sexualized...I guess they thought…
You make me sad :(
OMG they released the multilanguage Let it Go compilation:
Haha! Sorry I just replied—I don't know how to monitor my notifications properly.
Hey, thanks! Unfortunately all this college stuff has sapped away all the joy in my life (so no more video games). I appreciate it, though!
Hahaha!! Yes!!
Yup, I've heard bad things about the gameplay in FF2.