
Running for the hills, then. :P

Looks a lot better. Still prefer the BMW Vision Gran Turismo over this piece of shit.

Hell, in Fallout 2, there was an intelligent deathclaw that could be your follower.

Got anymore info on this? Cause all I’m getting are dealerships when I search on google for it.

I've seen a few of these. Only way to really tell, are those hood vents.

The shape is literally the opposite of the mystery machine.

Well, the first gen of focus in NA came with 2 hatchbacks and a wagon.

Simcity still can come back, they could just have it developed by The Sims Studio....

Well, Simcity failing is why we even got Cities: Skylines in the first place.

You sure that’s not a Canadian City Golf?

Nope, you’ll have to wait until WiiU emulators are thing on PC before you get to play it, since it was published by Nintendo. Or just by a WiiU.

The PC version is going to get UPlay, if that isn’t a game ending bug....

Actually, for me, every sport is boring to watch and fun to play. Be it soccer, football or basketball. I rather play then watch.(even though I suck at all 3 of them :P)

It’s ugly, but it seems to be purposely ugly. That thing has no blind spots for christ sake! Can you saw the same thing about the Camaro?

79 Vipers, eh?

Does it have any pricks outside?

So called American using an AK47. tsk tsk.

To be honest, I rather have Stalinists than another religious state.

Has anyone died from this? Seriously? Has anyone died from this? GM only getting 35 million fine, even though people died, and Chrysler gets this? Are they fucking morons or something?

You’re not a Rockstar dev, are you? Cause that’s my excuse for the shit Rockstar does in GTA V, where something that is fun for the gamer that is fixed(like masks and helmets) is “fixed” cause it goes against their vision.