
Yeah, the FPS is barely playable. Hell for me, it’s unplayable.

What about Viper V10 swap? Or is that one too big for the M5?

Don’t really see a problem.

The crew is mostly clones.

Yep. It can come with one. They feature it in their ads at the beginning.

Wasn’t it released before wraps were big?

What about the indash cooler?

“Apple doesn’t sell laptops in Costco,”

I wish more sedans had wipers on the rear window.


I wouldn’t be surprised that JTF2 is there. Well, until Trudeau tells them to leave.

So no, it won’t be a real truck...

It’s an ugly car, no doubt about that. But when they repainted it white, it looked a little better. Still ugly, but not as fucking ugly as that.

I like colour shifting paint. Though this looks like it had some gas spilt on it.

It also sucks during deathmatch. Especially on Dust 2.

It looks like Ram and a last gen F150 had a baby and then beat it with an ugly stick. Also circumcised the bed.

You mean this turd?

Like that makes a difference to an asshole.

I want to know what happened to this focus before it got cut up like this.

Yeah, that looks terrible.