
Other than New Vegas, which game’s protagonists weren’t vault dwellers? I don’t remember Fallout 2, but 1, 3, 4, and 76 were all vault dwellers.

They sound terrible because they are dry and emotionless. there is no subtle changes in tone or pitch that often carry a lot of meaning.

Here’s an idea for Nvidia: Fuck all the way off

Without sounding like a millennial with a lawn complex (fat chance), from years of experience, this is not the impending apocalypse zoomers...

There’s a pretty common attitude that all manner of atrocities - murder, torture, rape, even war and genocide - are fine as long as they happen to the “deserving”.

Rape is rape. There is no good rape and bad rape. It is all bad. Rape is not a tool of reformation or an instrument of revenge. We are not Tate.

Why do you think the Tate’s chose to base in Romania in the first place? It was to do the shitty/illegal/despicable things they did to those women, thinking their fame and money would shield them from it. Well, it didn’t. Live by the corruption, die by the corruption.

“It’s as if a million 13-year-old boys cried out at once and were suddenly silenced.”

It’s early yet, but I alreadyt say best news of the week.

When they’ve barely even started ES6, it’s hard to imagine they have more than the vaguest notions of what’ll be in Fallout 5

Oh, racism abounds in Mass Effect, Ashley included. But she’s easily not the only one. Not that she should be forgiven for it; she’s just not unique in her sins.

Let me introduce you to Barbie and He-Man toys from the 80s...

FemShep is canon.

How do you manage interspecies character hookups in a board game?
Uh... asking for a friend.

Kaiden fans: “Ashley is the real space racist!”

Well, they picked the right default Shepard for the box art.

For me too it became too much of a chore when I was just into Destiny and Division. Trying to keep up with events and seasons just drained me and I can’t imagine playing more at a time. Same with Niantic games, I’ve tried their other stuff thanks to pokemon go but I could never stick with it because each game required

That is like Bethesda’s Redfall. Take a single-player dev and force them into making a live service game because it was the hot trend.

Bioware being forced by EA to use frostbyte engine even though it’s a nightmare to develop on for everyone but Dice made them loose so much time and resources that could have been better used. And this has been repeated with DA:I and Andromeda(All Asari has the same effing face!)...

I question the use of executives every single day.