
Neat, but what I really wish they would drop is the long-overdue Fallout 4 “next-gen” update.

Is Morph’s super power invisibility?  Because I count seven people in the shot and eight names in the description.

Panam 100%. Sometimes she’d be talking to me, and I’d find myself just kind of staring at her doe-eyed with a goofy little smile on my face like how I’d look if a real life woman I had a crush on was talking to me. My wife caught me doing that more than once lol (she’s cool about stuff like that though and just makes

“Anomaly deTACted.... probe lunched... anomaly FAOONED!.... gettin’ a scahn.

Panam in Cyberpunk. I played it at launch and got through the final mission and was legit sad how that worked it. I felt that most of the game, everything I did I did for Panam. 

Ming from Lost Odyssey, that Immortal Woman...

Let’s see . . .

I guess my earliest would be Liara? I also found myself finding Vanasha from Horizon Zero Dawn fun. And Alva from Horizon Forbidden West in her own dorky way. I found Shaundi terrifyingly hot in Saints Row the Third; she wasn’t as terrifying in Saints Row IV, but she was still hot.

Growing up Tifa (FF7) and Miranda (Mass Effect) for sure. Beyond the obvious reasons, Tifa was grounded, modest, child-hood dreamer, could still respectfully kick your ass, and Miranda was total girl boss, she could kick your ass disrespectfully. But one person I don’t think gets enough love is Monika (Doki Doki

He can ruin this meatback any day.

I probably should have figured out I was bi when in middle school, I had a crush on both Auron and Lulu from Final Fantasy X.

So I instinctively excluded actual potential romantic options from my list as there I would rather think how well that story is told than from a crush perspective.

Can you do a ranking for the girls too? Thanks

Kaiden? Woof, he’s the most boring one. He’s like, a more boring Carth. 

I.... VERY disagree about Jacob. I actually think a lot of his story is a direct repudiation about stereotypes about black men?

Iron Bull is no mere man. 

Don’t worry, he’s not.  You’re safe.

He wasn’t. Keythe Farley voiced Thane. Adam Baldwin voiced Kal’Reegar.

Settle down now, Captain Kirk.

What’s more boring than going to space just to end up boning another human?