
Unfortunately, to many “Toxic” = “Something I don’t like.”

Toxic people project their toxicity onto non-toxic things.  Film at 11.

No mention of the Air Bud Cinematic Universe (ABCU)?! With 26 movies this seems like quite the oversight. Where's the love for those of us who like animals, sports, law, and rules (or lack there of).

I want to peel my eyes out. Thanks for this

Rich hates white women who aren’t total basketcases (ie Britney)

Perhaps there haven’t been enough people with that level of self-awareness for it to have come up before? 

Thanks for reminding everyone once again that you are a garbage human being on top of being a garbage writer. The Taylor Swift take is aggressively fucking stupid and obnoxious. So, pretty much par for the course for you.

I’mma let you finish, but Beyoncé made Lemonade.

Nope. It’s straight being an asshole to a woman who was harassed and embarrassed on TV. Then having the nerve to say it was good for her. Rich Juzwiak treats women like this a lot. 

The parents should know enough to stay HOME with the tiny children, and not subject them to airplane travel, which in turn subjects the other people on the airplane to THEM. I don’t blame the sprogs until they are old enough to know better. At which point it’s still the parent’s fault, but I have a little more

Given the mileage that she got out of that, ‘not goodʼ is certainly relative here.”

Seriously callous and misogynistic take on Taylor Swift. Do you tell rape victims they were asking for it?

Because you’re not SUPPOSED to be able to see everything all at once.  That’s not the result of a bad UI, that’s the result of an intentional design encounter.

Being able to get a bird’s eye view and be able to see the entire field from far away is a huge advantage in a World FIRST race. The challenging part is figuring out the mechanics in addition to being able to execute them. Hacking the game to zoom out further than what the game lets you gives the cheating team a huge

FFXIV team even knows that their UI is bad

This is very silly. It’s ‘cheating’ to use mods that fix the game’s bad UI, especially when it’s not PvP?

Ahh yes, the “Everyone is breaking the rules, so no one should be punished for it” defense.  Simple rule, if you’re going for something that involves recognition and attention like a World First, don’t use a third party program to do it.  Earn it legitimately.

I mean, its not a defect, its an intended design.  The encounter is designed with a specific amount of visibility available, extending your camera further out is effectively the same as wallhacking: you are using a third party program to see stuff you aren’t supposed to see at the same time.

A life of luxury and you buy a Corvette. Florida’s gonna Florida.