Yes, Alistair can complete the ritual with Morrigan. Or, if certain choices were made at the Landsmeet, the Secret Companion could do it instead.
Yes, Alistair can complete the ritual with Morrigan. Or, if certain choices were made at the Landsmeet, the Secret Companion could do it instead.
I don’t think that includes the dlc’s (Awakenings is substantial)
I’m right there with you. I’ve only ever played it on consoles, so no idea what my actual hours count is. But I do about two play-throughs of the series a year, and DA:O has been out almost 13 years, and about 60 hours(?) on average to complete. My math isn’t so good, but I think that comes out to a metric shit-ton…
What about things that aren’t necessarily dangerous, but are an inconvenience? I once saw a car that was set to ride so low that it got completely hung-up halfway over a parking lot speedbump. It was funny as hell initially as I walked into the mall, but then I saw the cars stuck behind trying to get around it.
Didn’t NASA also invent the ballpoint pen?
I’m not sure there’s really a wrong answer between Yenn and Triss. Yes, the argument can be made about Triss taking advantage of Geralt’s amnesia. But given all the good she tries to do for those in need around her, I can’t fault her too much. That said, I choose Yenn in most of my playthroughs.
Jezebel is a fucking joke. They allow the same troglodytes to post the worst kind of racism and misogyny in the comments again and again and again. Yet I got perma-banned for asking why they repeatedly (and gleefully) shit on people for having mental disorders.
If anyone’s ever in the Oklahoma City area, I highly recommend hitting up a Tucker’s Onion Burgers. Those things are amazing (and their fries kick ass, too).
This is a shit take. Telling a person they can’t be unhappy because someone has it worse is as selfish, stupid, and asinine as telling a person they can’t be happy because someone else has it better.
I have never romanced Tali or Garrus, and I never will. Why? If you pursue someone else (or no one at all), those two end up together. And that, my friends, is how it’s supposed to be. At least, that’s my head-canon.
My next planned tattoo does happen to be from a video game. But I’m going to be keeping it simple, as it’s just the Grey Wardens’ Oath:
I realize I’ve been screaming this for 30+ years now, but I’m going to do it again now.
I would gladly embrace an alternate timeline in which we just skip over the hot mess that was Knights of the Old Republic 2 and got on to some more fun Jedi/Sith shit.
My most recent ex used to constantly complain about my gaming. It got to the point that, after we’d moved in together, I could only do it Saturday and Sunday mornings before she woke up. But the hours and hours and hours of reality tv she watched was somehow, “Not a waste of time like gaming.”
Between this, the Jeff Hardy DUI, and Activision Blizzard clearing Activision Blizzard of all wrongdoing, this week has been full of surprising news that really wasn’t at all surprising
It was okay. Not great, but not terrible. There’s just not a whole lot there. But what is there is decent.
This is why it’s important to always be careful when meming. It’s all fun and games until Jared Leto gets another movie.