Tracey Ullman is so good. I also love how she color coordinates sunglass shade, lipstick, and clothing. Her character is insane.
Tracey Ullman is so good. I also love how she color coordinates sunglass shade, lipstick, and clothing. Her character is insane.
AVC lately:
Tracey Ullman is so awesome. I hate her character so much but somehow love Tracey for being so perfect. Larry is such an unlikeable dick half the time and I love it.
C+??? You don’t even give a basis for such a low score. I think you just don’t really like Curb Your Enthusiasm. It was a funny episode, it had a tight plot, and I laughed out loud a couple times (which I don’t usually do). I’m really curious what episode of any comedy you would rate an A, or even a B+.
Different day, same problem.
There are two types of meat eaters out there: 1. boneheaded “carnivores” who take offense to the thought of a vegetable, and 2. people who are open to eating some meals without meat and have a balanced diet. There’s no way they’re getting people from group 1 to eat these much less spend their money on them. I consider…
I probably fall into their target demographic, I eat meat, but try to limit it at times. However, I try to limit for health reasons. And Impossible Burger tastes pretty darn good- but it’s no healthier than a burger burger, so why bother?
Shane should have killed Rick for not being able to say his own sons name right! :)
The Walking Dead ending when Rick allowed Negan to punk him so bad when he first met Negan! Andrew Lincoln is a great actor, but he took his fear too far and was screaming and crying while Negan punked him! And that killed the show, because it killed the image of the hero of the show. They may as well have killed Rick…
I don’t know who you mean by “Carl.” Are you talking about Rick’s son, Coral?
Is this a 1 season thing? If so I may watch it so this shit ends but I get the feeling we will get a 2nd or 3rd season of this shit or Daryl’s show. I was so done with this show when Carl and then Rick was gone.
I think it will always have a niche, it’s just that it will be former meat eaters who are now vegetarian but pining for something they used to enjoy. That niche is never going to be very big. Otherwise people who eat meat will just eat meat unless it is identical in taste, texture, and price which is unlikely. If…
Well yeah but you gotta admit you are in the very tiny minority of people who do that, most burgers that people eat are probably at least slightly more processed. I get mine from a butcher so yeah not very processed at all. A McD’s burger probably has a bit more stuff in it I would think, but that depends too: You can…
When I make a burger, it cannot by any stretch be called a highly processed food. I take a chuck roast, run it through a meat grinder, and cook it. The bun is probably highly processed, but I’d use the same bun on a BB, so a regular burger is less processed. (I would wager we could make the same case for a McDonald’s…
Yeah I’m really more on the lab grown meat train myself. Trying to make a plant based burger that will be an actual replacement for real meat is a fool’s game. Growing real meat in labs without having to deal with everything involved in raising and slaughtering millions of animals is the way to go.
“are described as the company’s “meatiest, juiciest beef products yet,”
Dutch Bros ended last year with 831 locations and plans to open between 150 to 165 restaurants this year. Starbucks has more than 16,000 locations in the United States and Dunkin’ has more than 9,500.
I fully expect the plant based meats to be completely gone in a decade. Because of taste and quality problems to a degree, but mostly because their niche will be gone.
Dutch Bros only does that kind of thing. Their menu is exclusively the syrupy sweet end of the Starbucks experience.
Trivia note: