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Fat Tuesday today! (Known in England as Shrove Tuesday, which they apparently observe by eating a lot of pancakes. Why we don’t have a national pancake holiday is beyond me) A couple of big parades went out today. Zulu rolled at 8 AM. (!!!) Zulu traditionally throws coconuts. In 1987 they were unable to renew their

Thank you. I appreciate it. I love CCR. It is better than what Armed Forces Radio played when I was there. They played a lot of Kelly Clarkson and Maroon 5.

I deployed to Iraq in 2005. I was stationed in Alaska when 9/11 happened so we were low on the totem pole after all of the big divisions went first. A lot of the first deployment cycles to Iraq had videos with B.O.B. I was asked to do a video of our deployment but I didn’t use the song because I felt that it had been

B.O.B. was on every unit’s deployment video when they came back from Iraq. It’s a perfect song for us helicopter guys to show the crazy stuff that went down.

Great debate topic! I’d nominate Earth Wind and Fire, and Tower of Power as well.

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We’re recovering from our football related existential angst here today. Here’s a couple of songs to assist in recovery from existential angst.

Sounds like a cognitive behavioral approach. That’s extremely useful.

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Great post! Here’s one I dig: Aaron Neville singing with Linda Ronstadt from back in the day. Don’t Know Much.

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Hey, Still, it’s Mardi Gras season! I’m going this year and, like you, hoping to learn to be more positive, so I’m positively going and looking for a better month than January - not a great start. The Neville Bros. always put me in a happy place. Here they are at Tipitina’s.

Me too. I’m trying to train myself to think more positively, because I think maybe creating those new neural pathways will help to prevent dementia in later life. It’s just a theory, but why not? At least I’ll be happier and more pleasant to be around no matter what.

Hey, sorry I didn’t get to this yesterday.

In that case, I’ll take Weird Al, or Biz Markie, over GWAR.

I actually counted albums by year earlier today to post here, but naturally I forgot to, and forgot my notes in the office. Going from memory, I believe the breakdown was:

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There’s material that’s dated, and less frequently, there’s older albums that perfectly capture the art at the time so perfectly that they becomes period pieces; ageless, because nothing afterward better replicated the source. They’re frequently overlooked at the outset – after all, they’re not generally

Nope - this is it. “Honorable Mention” is part of the list. Like I alluded to though, ask 5 people for their favorite Gang Starr album and you’re all but guaranteed 5 different answers. Seriously - good luck finding any consensus on that, from fans to critics. It’s all personal preference. Though I’ll admit, I’d like

Sorry for the wait, was not about to answer this typing on a phone.