
I love me. I've never felt like I shouldn't, and I read Jezebel every day. And I'm a straight, white male. The articles certainly make me aware of how much better my default position is likely to be based on attributes I have no control over, though. And you know what? My knee-jerk response isn't to scream, "But I'm

The poem is called "A Visit from St. Nicholas", not "'Twas the yada yada", but I'm pretty sure no one cares. And you know what? That's okay.

I just found episode 4 to be revolting. The moral of the story is that ladies should handle the "lady things"? F- that noise.

Elaborate proposals could be fine (if they weren't so gendered and) if people aren't in fact actually asking. Hopefully it's more of a ring-handover event. If you haven't had long, in-depth conversations about whether you should get married (or at least have brought it up and both said, "duh, we'll totes wed") then

The first 2 Madoka movies are just the series redone. I've introduced several friends to it, and they've since become big fans, just by showing them the films. It's more of a "director's cut" opportunity, really.

My wife is a doctor and works 3/4 days per week, depending. I look after our baby daughter for those days, and I work 1/2 days. It just make sense. I tend too fare better on the days home than she does, because she doesn't know how to limit her activities, and will try and accomplish the world while also holding a

I imagine both films will suffer from misogynist undertones... They can be pals!

There are some examples there that make sense, but in the same way everyone should vaccinate, everyone should listen to medical professionals concerning what's safe. My wife is a doctor, and she gets pretty tired of mothers harming themselves by "being in control of their own births/bodies" with zero medical

I've never felt more at home, and so quickly too. We had several unplanned days in our 2 week itinerary, and we spent them hunting figures in Akiba. I'm an Alter and GSC fanboy, so it was a great time to finish of some of my bigger sets :3

If anyone is interested, here's my collection:

Sorry, no deal. We do it regularly. We're in Australia, so I'm not sure about your context, but bars are great for meeting friends, and our bub will join us. Always. Each week. Hopefully your bar is next.


I thought episodes 1-3 were great, but the sexism of episode 4 made me ill. The moral of the story was literally, men should stick too pretending to help around the house and women are validated by handling all the chores. For a show where the mother/wife is a doctor (like my wife) it made me stop watching.

I'm Aussie. It was written by us (the Australian jokes, anyway), and filled with references only we will get. No Aussie could possibly get offended.

Oh, yeah, there's her axe/bass.

Marceline is my guess

I've been sharing the heck out of this since it popped up on

I collect comics and anime figures, and my wife actually did the wiring for the lights on my cabinets. We went around Japan hunting particular figures and had a blast. But my wife is the greatest person in the world, so...

Protecting all my toys from our 9 month old daughter is proving tricky though...

I always feel terrible when I find out I've disturbed her sleep... :(

Definitely. It took a long time for me to understand what was going on. Close friends started awkward conversations with me, saying I groped them for a few minutes then went back to snoring. Marrying a doctor helped a lot. I wouldn't risk sharing a bed with other people any more. It's definitely up to me to protect

My sinus issues mean that any weight I put on makes my sleep apnoea play up, and as such I wake up drowsy and have less parasomnia episodes. When I'm skinnier, I sleep better, and harass my wife less in my sleep.