They've made such a great effort to make sure the voices are VERY similar- when Western studios do voice-overs they don't take nearly as much care in trying to capture the original feel/sound.
They've made such a great effort to make sure the voices are VERY similar- when Western studios do voice-overs they don't take nearly as much care in trying to capture the original feel/sound.
I dig that Mother stuff so hard!
Our language classes were plagued with jokes surrounding the similarity between the word for father (one's own) and penis.
Actually, like (arguably) the word anime, TinTin follows the French (and correct) pronunciation of the hero (to our ears, tantan).
He wasn't being pushy OR pretentious. He never suggested that you were less of a fan- that's your defensiveness betraying you. Most anime is, in fact MUCH better in the original language, because the visual cues- the nuance of a Japanese interaction/expression etc. - match with the audio. There really is a lot lost…
You clearly haven't played it. It's moving, clever, funny stuff. Check it out.