
Make the CPD self insure and cover the damages.  Cause they don’t listen to reason, maybe they will listen to the sound of money coming out of their paychecks.  

did you just cite a 2014 article from the Citizens Planning & Housing Association, Inc. to prove your point? daaaaamn that is a stretch.

How can people still be cowboy fans after all the shit they have done? because admitting that your team is a bunch of #%#%# would mean that you have been backing the wrong horse all your life. works the same for politics and companies.  

Uber survives because of their full time drivers. Even though they make up only about 20% of the fleet, they perform a majority of the pickups. Not only that but they are the ones that are making it possible for you or others to get rides at non-peak hours. If uber only worked at night or on the weekends it would be a

“Uber, for example, was envisioned and designed to specifically be a side gig - not the main “$15 an hour” breadwinner, but for someone to earn a little extra cash in the evenings or the weekend.”

how can this game be rated good if it is a game about diplomacy and has “ poor diplomacy and some terrible AI”?????  

It will be like 2014 all over again. and we all know how terrible and censored the internet was back then.

Crypto is basically the “baseball cards” or “comic books” of this generation. No practical use, but is valuable because people think they are going to retire off of it. Will probably crash at some point with the better “currencies” maintaining some value (aka older baseball cards instead of everything printed after

“Its principal industry has been shrinking for 60 years;”

Pretty much any meat / cheese combo is going to be good, although i guess you could mess it up. Personally, i’d just stick with Velveeta. Not sure why it gets a bad rap, it is made from the same material as cheese, they just add in additional milk protein.

I do like the new features, but the AI is hot garbage, which i could figure out within 20 hours of gameplay. It begs the question if they did any internal testing or just planned to balance it after launching. Will continue to play Civ V until they get things fixed, which is a tad annoying since again, i do like the

And the gameplay testing continues. Someone please let me know when they make it out of beta.

Not only that, but they are less than 50 years away from inventing technology that can suck energy directly from a star. This seems like child’s play compared to that.