
Same here. Roadways are disgusting.

All heroes need to start from somewhere.

My favorite part about the internet is that it allows you to enjoy every minor asshole from around the world, not just the nearby ones.

Seems like this is splitting hairs, I mean it is one thing to put tiny particles of plastic in random face products and daily soap —these are literally shoes made entirely of plastics.  The (not so small) spheres of plastic are the least of your concerns. 

Tipping in general really needs to go the way of the Samurai. And by that, I mean by using models similar to other countries, like Japan!

“I-35 rush hour traffic in Dallas” ... “demonstrating a complete lack of knowledge of how to operate their motor vehicle safely in traffic”

I drive that stretch of the road most days of the week. Fuck that guy. 

That is simply brilliant!

I agree with you. That said, I enjoyed this. 

Not a chance. She would have done this in a Smart car. It wasn’t that she knowingly decided to try and take the stairs. She made a wrong turn and it was too late by the time she realized what was going on.

My last flight had a half-full (or was it half-empty?) cup of coffee in the seat back pocket.

All airlines do it. So it’s really fuck all air travel.


But have a you seen the mosquitos? I’d kinda rather gators.

“I certainly don’t have a hatred of sharks or any feeling of vindictiveness toward them. They’re part of our natural world.”

It’s a hell of a lot better than living in Arlington. 

After a rash (figurative) of fecal incidents at our local pool, I took the popular “Welcome to our OOL” sign, modified it, and sent it to the pool manager.

I was hoping for Tituss Burgess :( 

She was asked the question, and it makes sense for her to use her platform to attack the bigots in the white house when the opportunity arises. It was effective and exposes his weakness. Better than even odds that he would call them losers no matter what Rapinoe said.

I usually just take the room key sleeve which conveniently has the room number written on the back.