
Government in general is short sighted when it comes to data. I work for a small municipality, and we have a “map room” full of old paper maps going back to the 60s. I keep asking to hire someone to scan all the maps.. and every year that $20k request is denied... but once we have a fire and it’s all gone that $20k is

I mean it’s also a FAA violation to fly a drone out of direct eyesight. So.. Shrug.

If I see an ad more than twice I will block whatever company is issuing it, and honestly it seems to help with my feed in general, at least until the next round of ads come along.

Eating a salad with chop sticks is the best way to have a salad.

Oh good Amazon has announced another delivery schedule they will continue to not be able to meet.

Of course Florida is trying to get in on this action.

It takes a person of real value and courage to take this kind of stand, especially when you’re the one reaping the most reward from it.

My female friends casually talking about it and supporting it is what shaped my opinion on it. 

Aldi has been around in the US for a long time. I recall going to Aldi with my mom in the 90s, and being embarrassed that she would bring home off-brand cereals. As an adult I don’t care about brands, but some of the products at Aldi are not as great as their name-brand counterparts (mayo as an example). Now in Dallas