
Hilarious. McCarthy was brilliant. Comedy is the only thing to help save our sanity…from the insanity of the Lunatic-in-Chief and his Evil Regime.

Sorry…so over the top in that last scene it was comical. Today's people are way too sophisticated for this Pope's ego. Yes, there will always be the easily "duped" ….but not the majority.

Yes…with an expensive, yet really ugly weave…

He was a musical genius for my generation. A treasure.
Cohen and Russell in the same week…Just an awful week all around.

Worst F*ing year…2016. Cohen and Russell in one week!! What an meteor next?

Honestly, though I agree the whole final season could have been much better…I do get what the King's were trying to do with Alicia's character. As someone who has lived 6 decades…I can tell you that events..especially events not of your making…change you….Change you irreparably and in many cases for the worse. When

That is how I saw it too…
I thought Weiner was using the Coke ad as a plot device to show the audience Don's personal growth.
And hey….nothing wrong with being a romantic!

Your reply gave me a chuckle. Thanks. Yep, I am one of those "the glass is half full" kind of persons.
Sorry you won't be able to have that "I was right" discussion with your wife. Maybe your dream scenario will happen with another show!

Maybe…but at least he went back to work with "fewer demons" and with some inner peace.

In 2015 dollars…Joan has more than $6 million dollars…she will NEVER have to work again…or she can invest her own money into her own company…and never have to deal with a bunch of male jerks again…Go Joan!

I actually think the look on Ted's face was more "approving and accepting"…A kind of "knowing" that Don would never fit in at McCann. Ted and Don had made their peace in "Time and Life" when Ted apologizes for talking Don into letting him take his place in California. Ted goes on to explain why he "must" stay in New

Absolutely. In fact, Ken was being given plenty of "signs" to leave his life in business and to take "the road less traveled" and follow his passion…writing. However, Ken chooses to ignore the "signs" (I believe a big mistake)..and take the "safer path". I am hoping that Don's character takes the "road less

Weiner has explained that Mad Men is about the changing face of advertising from small, boutique companies, like SC&P that got "swallowed up" during the 60's and 70's by huge corporations like McCann. I think the reason the last few episodes keep referring to "Lost Horizon" is because what all the characters had at

Agreed…money isn't everything…but given the attitude of the men at McCann toward women….I think Joanie is actually a lot luckier than so many other women who would not be able to walk away from their jobs. Joanie is free…and I am thrilled for her.

BUT…she already had gotten $1 million of the $1.5 million her shares were worth when McCann bought SC&P. She got 25% upon signing..and then payments. So in reality Joanie had gotten the lions share or $1.250,000….or well over $6 million in today's dollars.

Actually, she has already received the lions share of the $1.5 million she was to receive when McCann bought SC&P. In Waterloo, it is explained that her shares were worth "a little over $1.5 million" of which she got "25% upon signing"…then payment installments. All that was left to pay her ( over a year later) at

I think this is all leading towards the metaphorical death of Don Draper. When they showed the Social Security card for Donald Draper in this episode…and then Don disappearing on one of his "walk a bouts"…all I could think is he is "shedding"…finally setting himself free from Don Draper. He can go forward with his

As terrible as Joan was treated, I choose to look at her leaving McCann as being set free. Her share when SC&P was sold was worth a little over $1.5 million dollars…and even though she is walking away from (or getting cheated out of) $250,000 for quitting…she had already gotten the lion share… a million dollars (in